Sheer (Gijinka)



white woman jumpscare

> Her brother, Bittercold, was her last living relative before he died, and he essentially raised her.
> She loved him deeply for staying with and supporting her, but tension began to form in their relationship when Sheer realized she was transgender.
> Her brother was very openly aggressive and disapproving towards others in her situation, so she felt the need to stay quiet and hidden lest she risk his wrath.
> Bittercold was involved in shady activity and ended up being killed by black market rivals. Sheer still struggles to come to terms with the twisted sense of relief she felt after his passing, able to truly live as herself without being abandoned by her last living family member.

> Completely blind on her right side due to Zero gouging her eye out. She doesn't like being approached on her blind side, and her friends have learned to announce their presence as to not startle her. (She doesn't like feeling exposed/having what she views as a weak point.)
> Due to growing up in the heart of the Twist Mountains, she's rarely affected by the cold and has broad shoulders and a strong chest from surviving on thin mountain air.
> Her best friend is Golurk; despite being usually irritated by ignorance and naivete, she has become uncharacteristically protective of them. Maybe their kindness and loyalty makes her long for another sibling-like relationship in her life.
> Around 25 years old