


7 years, 15 days ago



Full Name:Anne-Xieti ( Anxiety ) Sanguingno
Nicknames:Anne | Lady Xieti | 'Anxiety'
Gender:Agender | Feminine Pronouns
Age:Shes A Tale As Old As Time (can't recall)

Sexuality:Asexual – Polyromantic [Married]
Species:Personification of a mental disorder
Occupation:Owns a chain of Oddities. (but doesn't actually work in one)

Personality?:Anne is a classy woman with very particular taste.
( roleplay or ask questions to learn more about this part of her, please. )

Super Fun Facts:
 - The hands on her corset peel from it and are usable limbs. They extends from four points in her mid back
and can stretch to be almost three times the length of her height. Despite this fact, she absolutely hates them.
Which is why she gets 'other' arms sown into her shoulders.

 - Granted that things are done well and properly aligned. An arm sown into her shoulders does become usable.
Unfortunately, due to the state of her dead body. The limbs tend to rot and decay rather quickly. Falling off.

 -  All her eyes are also usable. However, like her mouth, some are sown partly closed. But for good reason.
Both sets of eyes have mythical properties. And each set does 'show' you something different. But like her arms, she hates them.

 -  Her head floats casually above her neck bone (wick). However, she is able to have it float forward with out her body.
However, the head can not travel very far and must always return to her body for protection. The flames mimes her personality sometimes.

 - When she is upset, her skirt and even her arms start to goos into a mass of tar and black. It solidifies when shes calm.