Shear the Axolotl Agent



An Axolotl I got from Basilsadopts on deviantArt!

Shear the Axolotl is a teammate of Maelstrom, working for the same organisation. Similarly violent, she is however able to blend into civilian settings better, and take on a more 'spy-like' role. Like Earth axolotls, she has regenerative abilities that allow for the regrowth of body parts such as arms: The amount of time this takes is realistic (weeks to months) unless chaos energy is applied from a source such as chaos drives, heal pods or the chaos emeralds themselves. This ability to recover from serious injury is what helped her excel in her spec-ops career.

Her and Maelstrom are frequently paired for missions. As such they have something akin to a very stern and quiet friendship. Both have saved one another many times, and trust each other unconditionally, but neither is an emotionally open person.

-She's technically a Power type Mobian! This is due to her ability to tank ridiculous amounts of damage.
- In combination, her, Maelstrom and a third Thrips Mobian make a speed-power-fly trio.
- The meaning of the moon symbol on her chest is a mystery. Even from a meta perspective idk what it's for.
- Although shear is an axolotl, I tried to theme some of her markings and facial anatomy on the related Tiger Salamander, as they are very similar to the extremely rare 'adult' metamorphosis of the Axolotl, and I wanted to make it clearer that she is an adult.