
Name: Cith 

Age: 264 

Species: Tintite (Collab species)

 Height: 5'4"

 Gender: genderless

 Occupation: artist 

Quirks: literally afraid of their own

             shadow. Talks to themself.

             Forgetful.Gets lost easily 

Likes: eating art, books and other

           documents when available.

            Their favorite is romance and

             adventure.Painting on cave

            walls, mingling with other

              Tintite and species.

 Dislikes:Water(most Tintite do), eating

              in front of people, dancing(

              they're pretty clumsy),

              confrontation, flying.


 Cith lives in a community cave along with several other Tintite. They spend most of their time painting on the walls, or canvas if it's available.

 Trying to trade the art for books and other knowledge. They don't really know who their parents are. Though they're sure it's someone in the community.

  They like to visit the more inhabited areas if they can, trying to sell their work to the higher up Tintite or other species. They've only seen one other species of alien,

  in passing. They want to travel to different planets. But are too nervous to ask for passage. They're easily scared, often of their own shadow. 

To be fair they were spooked pretty badly as a child by another Tintite pretending to be their shadow. 

The Tintite in question tried to eat them. So they have good reason.


A little about the Species:
