
Vera Blackfield
Celestial Spirit Mage

"Do not underestimate Sabertooth!"

Vera is a woman in her late teens and a member of Sabertooth. She has long dark hair and dark green eyes. She’s of average height. Vera wears a white tube top with a blue short jacket with fur. Her jeans are black, and she wears brown boots with white fur. Her hair is tied back with a blue ribbon. She has 2 brown belts, and one belt has a small satchel attached to it where she keeps her keys.  

Personality wise, Vera is quite outspoken. She says what she wants, but tries  her best not to be rude. She is quite charming and easily makes friends, and once you’re her friend, she will remain loyal to you. This is the reason she never left Sabertooth, even before Sting became master. She loves to have fun, and won’t skip out on a party, or a drinking game.

Vera is a Celestial Spirit Mage, just like Yukino and Lucy. However, unlike them, she doesn’t hunt for Gold Keys. Instead, she specializes in Bronze Keys. These keys summon spirits from the Japanese Zodiac; the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar.
Vera has contracts with the Dragon, Snake, Rabbit and Horse.
The keys are all Bronze in color, but like the Black Keys (such as the one held by Yukino), Bronze keys have black details. All spirits within these 12 keys have some sort of green in their design, as a way to honor the Jade Emperor.

Vera’s Keys:

Gate of the Rabbit: Usagi
The rabbit spirit, Usagi, is a female spirit with long silver hair and long silver rabbit ears. She has green eyes, and a cute green dress. The rabbit is a little more timid in personality than the other spirits, but not as scared and shy as Aries. She’s very kind and elegant. The Rabbit spirit is incredibly fast and agile, and she can use plant magic.
The Key itself is Bronze, with the Japanese Kanji for Rabbit. The bow of the key (the handle) has 2 black rabbit shaped ‘ears’ attached to it, while the ‘shoulder’ of the key has a small round Jade. The round jade symbolizes a Rabbit’s tail.

Gate of the Dragon: Tatsu
The Dragon spirit is very confident, intelligent, and courageous, and takes the form of a young but masculine man. He can sometimes be bold and blunt, but is overall a calm spirit. The Dragon spirit has short, dark red hair with gray eyes, and wears a black and red outfit. He wears a jade ring, that glows when he uses immense magical power. His main element is fire, just like Natsu, but he can also use wind magic.
His actual Key is made in such a way that it looks like it has dragon scales. The bow of the key has the Kanji for Dragon. There’s 2 very thin black ‘tendril’ like lines that circle around the stem or blade of the key, resembling the ‘mustaches’ (or barbel like feelers) that ancient dragons (and catfish) tend to have.

Gate of the Snake: Hebi
The Snake is a wise and smart spirit. She is intuitive, beautiful, a little vain and materialistic. She holds grudges for a very long time, and can lose her temper sometimes when she’s faced with someone she holds a grudge against. The Snake spirit has long, black hair and blue eyes. When angry, her tongue becomes forked. Her outfit is sexy and sensual, a little revealing and dark green in color. The Snake has poisonous powers, but is also good with knives.
The key of the Snake is a simple bronze key with a long, thin black snaketail coiling around it, similar to the Snake Charmer key that Yukino holds. The bow of the key has the kanji for snake, and the tip of the key looks like a snakehead with 2 large fangs.

Gate of the Horse: Uma
The Horse spirit is similar to Sagittarius in that it’s half man, half horse. However, unlike Sagittarius, the Horse’s lower body is that of a horse, while his top half is that of a muscular topless man. He carries an axe. Personality wise, the Horse is very calm and tough. It’s honest and not afraid to speak its mind. He can be a little impatient at times, and likes to be credited for things.
The key of the Horse is also bronze and has the kanji for Horse written on it. The tip looks like a horse shoe, and the bow of the key is shaped like an ‘en face’ horse face with 2 tiny jades resembling eyes, and two small ears on the top.

Silver keys:

Gate of the Chained Maiden: Andromeda
Andromeda is probably Vera’s most used silver key. She takes the form of a young, beautiful woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She wears a long white dress, and her feet are hidden by a thick mist that only reaches up to her ankles, and it makes her float in the air. Like Virgo, Andromeda has chains around her wrists. She uses the chains trap and bind people.
Personality-wise, Andromeda can be a little whiny and comes off as scared a lot. She tends to ask Vera to save her, and doesn’t like to fight. She thinks the people she traps and binds with her chains are gross and scary.

Gate of the Eagle: Altair
Altair looks like a large eagle. It’s usually summoned only for travel, where it carries Vera to different locations. Altair can use its wings to create a small windstorm but isn’t often used for combat. It cannot speak, and only screeches.

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