


6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Dominic Bursnell




Assistant Director






birthNovember 23rd
alignmentLawful neutral
drinkAlmond milk cappuccino

There are two sides to Dominic. The first is his public face - charismatic, approachable, the kind of person one might be intrigued by and want to purse a friendship with. Until Dominic's other side kicks in, at least. Suddenly Dominic's ambitiousness turns to obsessiveness characterised by constant criticism of everyone around him; suddenly Dominic's confidence turns to a narcissism that makes him unbearable - a word mostly everyone who ever worked with him would use.

Dominic is not an easy person to get along with. He is prone to picking fights when he feels someone is slacking on the job or disrespecting him. He knows how to be hurtful with his words and has no qualms with insults and manipulation to get what he wants. Unaccustomed to being outsmarted, when Dominic finds himself on the receiving end of whatever he's dishing out, he freezes because he never learned how to accept defeat. Despite this, Dominic craves relationships. He suffers from chronic loneliness and sometimes makes a genuine effort to be gentle.

However, the one Dominic is harshest towards is himself. He feel the constant urge to do better and achieve more and he will not hesitate to prioritise goals over of his health. That is not limited to his personal ambitions either. Dominic is dedicated to his work and, while his attitude is far from constructive, this level of commitment has garnered admiration. Coupled with a seemingly perfect eye for detail and a knack for excelling at anything he tries, it becomes apparent why Dominic even has a job.


“Turn your camera on
You don't wanna miss this”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

“I played the wrong hand on the other hand I played it right
And I'm taking up a throne that was already ready already mine”


  • Owns a papillon dog called Crystal who is his only best friend
  • Might be harsh with people, but adores animals and is surprisingly sweet and patient with them (dogs especially!)
  • Has been a vegetarian for over ten years
  • Does not own a car nor drive, despite having a license


  • Resting bitch face
  • Messy manbun or loose hair held away from his face with bobby pins

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A coworker Dominic cannot stand at the best of times, and actively despises at the worst of times. Naruse's stoic expression unsettles Dominic because he has no idea how to read him - and thus how to manipulate him - and although that alone is enough to earn a spot in Dominic's dislike list, what really drives Dominic mad is Naruse's hero complex. Naruse not only does not bend to Dominic's abuse like the rest of their coworkers, he actively stands up to him and tells him off. Needless to say, the less the two interact, the better.

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inspiration tag

layout © tewro

images © marc noorman, untrustyou, hellish-daddy (deactivated), blue bird, edgeandflow, aest101, thomas kinto, 0takuland

background © patternvomit