Glow worm



3 years, 1 month ago


another alien worm

Glow worm, moderately sized, very short. their bodies are completely bioluminescent, putting off either a dim, or very bright light depending on how it feels. they have soft squishy bodies, & unlike most, lack properties to protect them from the elements. they make homes out of tunnel worms, which feed off their waste & dead skin, for protection. they spend all of their lives in caves & deep caverns avoiding all contact with the sun. They have large jaws that latch onto prey & crush it, or rip it apart.

they are carnivorous & will attempt to eat anything with a heat signature.  humans studding them have had a hard time with equipment overheating & the worms attacking it. along with the destruction, the voltage is enough to fry them leaving a rather bad smell, & attracts others. They live in large groups & act according to the needs of the group over the indevidual. If food cannot be found for a period of time soem will sacrifice themselves for others to eat

Glow worms are primarly neon coloring with light colored manes, usually white