


3 years, 2 months ago


"Hi-hi hello there, introducing myself! Call me Vepar"

last updated 2/3/23

and who is he? a demonic god!

Vepar is a Great Duke of Hell who governs the waters and guides armored ships; he can also make, if requested, the sea rough and stormy. Vepar is an immortal Demonic God, living among humans. He enjoys human traditions, human life and human routine. Not as if he "loved" them, he's still able to kill and have his revenge. Yet, humans are more like of "silly little mortal beings" to him. He loves water, loves water creations and doing nothing.

Vepar's another appearance is Great Duke Wormwood, Remnant of Goetia. There is his grief, his vengeance, his entire pain and suffering of a Godlike creature, once powerful and majestic, but now is nothing more than a remnant of a beautiful something. Black and sticky filth leaking from his mouth and eyes, an urge to repay humanity for its sins destroying his mind. His limbs are falling apart sometimes, his body fragile, his water-controlling powers are even much stronger.

a cute one, indeed! PERSONALITY

Vepar is easygoing and most of the time considered cute by humans, he's good at making friends and maintaining good relationships. Many Demonic Gods love him, adore him, friend with him, care for him.
Yet, not all of them. Some think of him as of an annoying, noisy, hyperactive and silly; lightheaded, selfish and hypocritical, good for nothing. And somehow, they are right. Not only cute, friendly, talkative and adorable, Vepar is duplicitous and sly, charming people like a venomous snake.







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Vepar/Duke Wormwood
162 / 154
Demon God

LOVES [ awe ]

  • ocean! nature!

  • flowers

  • human food

  • celebrations

  • praise

HATES [ boo ]

  • seafood, jellyfish

  • hot dry air

  • seaweed (sticky and gross)

  • dull colors

  • criticism

Design [ NOTES ]

  • long eyelashes, pink flower-shaped pupils

  • feminine face

  • light-blue nails

  • wide hips, long legs, no genitals

CHAPTER 1 [ birth of god ]

Just as all the other Goetian Daemons, Vepar's inner core was once of a powerful God. He, along with Focalor, is a part of Tiamat and Abzu's beings. As the Age of Gods met its end, Gods began to vanish from the Earth, the reason is humanity's lack of faith. This led to humans cursing former Gods, turning them into literal demons in their eyes. This way, the Goetian Daemons were born from the remnants of former Gods.

Humanity sentenced themself with decapitation as Daemons began to act as it was expected from them - to destroy, to torture and curse everything and everyone around them. Daemons are eternal, ever-returning beings who will everlastingly reborn after their death. They can be killed, yet can not be destroyed. Thus, Vepar was born as one of the strongest primordial demons - of waterflow, sea storms, illnesses and rot.

Vepar's birth took place in the waters of Persian gulf, along with Focalor's. Their beings were not separate as Tiamat and Abzu's, but simply performed as the two parts of a combined dual divine origin. Mentally and physically they are as close as the unite organism. Before the birth, demons are metaphysical ethereal bodies, but right after they appear fully complete.

CHAPTER 2 [ speak of devil ]

Baal's "chosen one", Great Duke Wormwood — the second part of his personality. Feared, hated, disgusted, understood, yet abandoned by everyone. Duke Wormwood is frantic and lunatic, completely. Painful, painful, physically and mentally painful..! The sins he commited, the feelings he hid, the acts he supressed — coming to unite in the body of the other Vepar.

Hatred, vengeance, malice, despise, an urge to kill and destroy blurring his mind. Like a dead fish, he's wandering through the back of his mind. He reveals everything from the darkest corners of his soul for it to come out with the wildest scream of a person going insane, with the black vomit and blood leaking from his body, with the storm that will never stop. Even if he destroys himself, even if he gets killed, his main goal still gets completed — to make humans pay for their sins.


  • "sibling" of Focalor. Not literal siblings, but their nature, image and abilities are really similar

  • they always fight, argue and quarrel, and Focalor smacks Vepar upside the head. But they actually are really close and they love each other, even when it doesn't seem so

  • Vepar's appearance is based on the jellyfish Aurelia aurita. The pink flower-shaped pattern in his irises refers to Aurelia aurita's gonads

  • Vepar has many friends and acqueintances among the Demonic Gods. Some find him annoying, too noisy and loud, yet he still knows almost everything about anyone and anythings. He's even in good relationships with the Kings such as Paimon, Zagan, Belial and Baal

  • With infernal waters Vepar can create blade-like jets of water that can cut through anything including stones, humans and other demons

  • Demonic siren who sings the most mesmerizing melodies. With this song coming from the seaside, he is able to bewitch humans and make them walk right into the waters, to consume their bodies and souls

needs attention

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.