


3 years, 1 month ago


Lelia (leɪliːɑ)
Fairy of Romance
19 January
Fairy Sign



Sweet, romantic, melancholic, caring, sorrowful, heartful, empathic, studious, smart  & calm.


"Cupid's arrow, my dear, is akin to a roaring blaze; the grander it burns, the greater the ashes it bequeaths when it departs."


As the princess of Aesthenesthai, one would assume Lelia has always known a life filled with unbridled luxury and comfort. Although there is the truth behind those words, she had far from an easy life. From a young age, she grappled with the weight of her frail health, enduring a chronic battle with a multitude of diseases, such as emphysema. Lelia's constitution was a product of unfortunate genetic lottery outcomes, saddling her with a host of health issues that continue to plague her existence.

Because of this she rarely leaves the house and performs little physical activities, which makes it very hard to battle. That's why she wanted to enroll in Alfea. She feels that, as the crown princess, it's her responsibility to protect her people. Something she is incapable of doing as she is right now. She isn't incredibly sociable though, and tends to be exclusively around the people she trusts. More specifically her best friend Vesna, Aletris and childhood friend Aster. In fact she's good friends with people from the noble houses of her country only, because it takes very long before she trusts someone platonically and they are the only ones she knew as a child.

Personality-wise, just like her friend Vesna, Lelia is very polite, although she is much more heartful and caring. She's a sucker for bittersweet romances with tragic endings and adores reading stories that others would describe as downright depressing. Among her friends, she loves to be a matchmaker, as she's good at guessing how compatible two people are. She also notices immediately when someone has a crush on someone else, sometimes before they do themselves. No one is resistant to her magic aside from Lelia herself. Much like how she's a healing fairy with terrible health, she's completely ignorant about the crushes people have on her, and her personal love life is an utter trainwreck. She rarely has any lasting relationship and is oblivious to the one and only person who has been crushing on her consistently throughout her life: Her childhood friend Aster.

Lelia and  Aster are the kind of duo where everyone assumes they are a couple, seeing how close they are and how naturally they look together. However, despite his many attempts to communicate his feelings, Lelia still hasn't gotten the hint. Whether this is because she's genuinely clueless, scared to ruin their friendship, not into men, or still hooked up on one of her exes is a case only time can solve. As for now, the only thing that may be hinting at Lelia playing willingly ignorant is her increase in interactions with Constance, a fairy from one of Aesthan's noble houses. According to... sources, the two of them would have a past together--whatever that may imply.

Aside from her romance-centered life, she is a fairly studious girl that loves reading and often serves as a source of knowledge on history and culture, almost like a mentor figure to her friends. Other than that she enjoys the calm and 'peaceful' hobbies much more than the active ones. On her free days, you'll usually find her reading under a tree or playing the piano.

Because she's used to being inside most of the time, she is very sensitive towards the sun and has very low stamina. 



Physical Strength
Magical Strength

Charmix Spells

  • Soul Shield
  • Protection of the Rose
  • Honeymoon
  • Tale as old as time
  • Stomach-Butterflies
  • Healing Heart
  • Love Shock
  • Unbreakable Connection

Enchantix Spells

  • Ocean of emotions
  • Melodrama
  • Broken Hearts Kick
  • Cupid's Arrow
  • Hera's wrath
  • Flower of Love
  • Heart Link
  • Tender Words

Type of fairy: Sensation Fairy
Specific abilities: 

  • Heightened empathy
  • More likely to be well-loved

Charmix obtained by bursting into tears after Astra jokingly asked why she was so obsessed with everyone's love life but her own. Lelia explained that, as much as she was obsessed with tragic romances, she did not want a sad ending for her own love story. However, with a poor, unpredictable health like hers, she had no certain future. Therefore, she prefers to focus on other people theirs because thinking too much about her own can be terrifying.

50964096_bcsUKZrTUXKGPQQ.jpgEnchantix obtained by using all of her healing magic to save Aster, who got critically wounded in a fight.

Reason for becoming a fairy: 
Lelia wants improve her healing magic, so she can help people like her, but also herself.


Planet: Aesthan (Ay-stun / eɪstʌn)

Aesthenesthai (eɪsðɛnɛsttaɪ), simply known as Aesthan (eɪstʌn), is a wonderful planet popular among tourists. It's well-known for its beautiful architecture and endless rose fields. Often referred to as the 'pretty-place', Aesthanians are known for appreciating the nice-looking things in life. It is said they weave beauty into everything they touch. Several kinds of magic are active in this world, however, a lot of them tie back to visually pleasing things such as art, beauty, or something as simple as flowers.
Stereotypically, Aesthanians are portrayed as soft-spoken and gentle. An image that fits both Lelia and Vesna. Most of them have a wide knowledge of euphemisms and are masters at sugarcoating things. In general, they prefer the 'pretty words' over the neutral or ugly ones. "Why be a fairy of storms if you can be a fairy of breezes?

All in all, if you need something aesthetic, whether it be views, arts, designs or even words like 'novalunosis', Aesthanias have you covered.

Aesthanians have one royal house and 4 noble houses based on the 4 elements, mixed with nature themes. Each have a specific animal on their coat of arms:

  • The Royal House of Forma, Butterfly.
    • The house Lelia Belongs to.
  • The Noble House of Caelum, Pegasus.
    • The house Vesna belongs to.
  • The Noble House of Ignis, Phoenix.
    • The Noble house Calanthe and Aster belong to.
  • The Noble House of Arbor, Deer.
    • The house Aletris belongs to.
  • The Noble House of Pluvia, Snake.
    • The house Constance belongs to.


  • Cool Big Sis: Not necessarily at home, as she isn't on amazing terms with her friends, but more among her friendgroup. Lelia is extremely loving and care and tends to look after those around her.
  • Everyone Can See It: With Aster. Literally everyone, even the dense Astra, is aware that they like each other and/or would make a good pair. Everyone but them, which mixes this trope with the trope: Oblivious To Love.
  • In Love With Love: A Stock Phrase used to describe someone who pines for/stays with someone they don't love (or who treats them poorly) because they don't want to be alone or are a hopeless romantic. The implication is that the character cares more about being in a romantic relationship with someone than the person they're having the relationship with. Since this attitude is exactly as unhealthy as it sounds, such a character invariably ends up Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places.
  • Twice Shy: With Aster. Though it's not really that they are shy, but more that both of them are kind of oblivious to liking eachother.
  • We used to be friends: Enigma and Lelia used to be best friends as kids, as Enigma's sister is Lelia's step-mom. However, when they got older Enigma met Medora, who hates Lelia very much. When explaining why, Enigma actually sided with Medora to most people's surprise. Lelia still hopes they can mend their relationship, on the condition Enigma breaks contact with Medora.


Medora: In a sense, one could say Medora and Lelia are each other's nemesis. Lelia is the fairy of romance, whereas Medora is the fairy of desire. Two aspects of love, that can play out completely different. Where Lelia is compassionate, Medora is cruel and where the former understands someone's feelings to show empathy, the latter understands them to be better at manipulating others.

So yes. Medora is the fairy of desire, as well as Lelia's birth twin. Their mother, Queen Rethorica, King Ephemeral's first wife, was banished from Aesthan after she was exposed for using dark magic. As it ran in the family to have powers connected to feelings, Rethorica started using hers to control and manipulate others.
Not certain to which extend she influenced her marriage, Ephemeral divorced her on the spot.
She was supposed to leave her children behind, as a punishment, but managed to flee the palace with the young twins. It eventually led to a fight, in which Lelia was injured, leading to lifelong health issues. Rethorica made it out with Medora however, and raised her on her own on another planet.
Meeting back in their late teens, the girls are not on good terms. Although she will never outright state it, Medora is spiteful Lelia had the luxurious life she could only have dreamt of, with a loving, wealthy family. On the other side, Medora reminds Lelia of a darker part of her past. The fact she's related to someone as evil and manipulative as her, freaks her out.


Bickering like an old married couple, people often mistake them for one. However they're just friends. According to them, that is.
Being from the noble house Ignis, they met at a very young age. Since his older sister Calanthe is Lelia's age, Lelia got introduced to Aster when she visited their home. Initially, she didn't spend a lot of time with him because he was one year younger than her (which, to a child is a lot), but as they grew up they hung out more often, due to their shared interests and compatible personalities. 'Officially' Vesna is Lelia's best friend, however, she's much closer to Aster.
The two are that kind of duo where everyone can see they're supposed to end up together, except for the two of them. But I guess, one day in the future they can be that Vegan couple that eats granola whilst explaining to you why plastic bags kill sea turtles.


Originally adopted from Dia-Waterfalls. 


  • 62090534_fhelBa14BVbr0mr.pngIn battle, she serves as healer and support, trying to avoid getting hit.
  • Because Prima is a descendant of royalty and Sanguis and Aesthan are planets next to each other, Lelia noted there's a big chance that they're distantly related.
  • Just like most people from Aesthan, she has an accent closely resembling a Transatlantic one.
  • Her pixie Hyacinth, is the twin to Vesna hers, Tulip.
  • Lelia's stepmom is Enigma's eldest sister.
  • Just like most people on Aesthan, Lelia is a vegetarian, even more so, she's vegan.
  • She has a white ragdoll cat named Charlotte.




Love Interest: None, in the sense that she is kind of oblivious to the fact she likes Aster. 


Sexuality: Bi with a preference for men.

  • Mom: Queen Rhetorica
  • Step-mom: Queen Myst
  • Dad: King Ephemeral
  • Younger sisters: Rosie and Dahlia
  • Younger brother: Birch
  • Twin Sister: Medora

Pixie: Hyacinth, pixie of withering flowers, sister of Tulip, Vesna's pixie

Best friend: Vesna