Ana Beri (Narine)



Ana Beri (Narine)



  • Ana is a very solitary floss. They spend most of their time alone and prefer it that way. The few friends that they do have understand their needs though and Ana doesn't mind them for the most part. Ana typically hangs out with mostly older floss as younger floss have more of a tendency to be noisy and far more hyper than they can really withstand.

  • Likes: being alone, hunting, the quiet
  • Dislikes: loud noises, being sexualized, fights

  • They have extremely sensitive ears due to an accident that occured when they were much younger which makes loud noises almost unbearable. Because of this they usually only spends time around their family and ocasionally some of the older folks within the Omega community.
  • Narine often works on hunting for various things within the cave systems, including both creatures as well as various mushrooms or even just treasures that may have possibly gotten stuck in the earth.
  • Whenever they do anything new they tend to get a bit frustrated when they don't do it correctly right away. They also get frustrated when other floss don't take into consideration others disabilities.
  • Despite liking being alone most of the time, Narine often finds themselves wishing they could find a companion who understood their disabilities and their being ace.

  • ...
Age / height / weight
25 h.y.o./ 167 cm / 46 kg
Neutral good / INTP
Orientation: Aroace