


3 years, 2 months ago


Name Tracker
Age 31
Gender cis male
Orientation bi
Species pyrrhian mutt
Designer arden
Value NFS
Status living
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A hardy and bold archaeologist with a passion for discovering lost animus artifacts and bringing them to their homes. He has a snarky, dry sense of humor that makes him a fun adventuring partner. His gallivanting was inspired by his own father, who was a legendary anthropologist, teacher, and archaeologist, who dedicated his life to returning stolen artifacts to their rightful place. He spends a lot of his time studying and mapping, and has a talent for cartography!

He is very fond of sharing his knowledge with anyone who’ll listen, but he especially loves giving it out to the younger campers at Celestial Haven. He aspires to be a professor like his father was one day. He decided to come to the camp to see if the counselors (and maybe even the gods) could guide him to the rare trinket he seeks.