Damien Sinclair



3 years, 2 months ago


“Pay attention now. We all want this to be a good year."

Name: Damien Sinclair

Age: around 1800

Pronouns: he/him

Species: vampire

Job: chemistry teacher


There is definitely something up with the science department. It’s an argument amongst the students on who is the creepiest teacher, and Damien is way up there. He’s constantly seen wearing his mask, its relentless smile unnerving people to no end. Yet, Aurelius doesn’t pay any mind to any complaints people bring up. Damien is the right person for the job, and while his methods of teaching may be strange, no one can deny that he’s a genius in his own right.

Damien doesn’t mean to scare people, but he’ll grow anxious if he doesn’t have something covering his face. Even some of the staff haven’t seen his true features, so to say that it’s always on him is an understatement. It’s practically his face now. He wears the mask because of one simple thing: the sun. He is cripplingly afraid of sunlight, which is why he wears the mask, as well as clothes that cover every inch of his skin.

It’s pretty normal for a vampire to be afraid of the sun, right? However, Damien takes it to a whole other level. During the witch hunts, he was one of the many vampires captured and was planned to be executed publicly. A message to the people. He saw his fellows getting slowly pushed towards the sunlight, burnt alive in front of him and screaming in pain. Those images are engraved within him. He wouldn’t be here today if not for another vampire coming in and saving him. So close to death…

It’s not impossible to befriend this paranoid man. Quite easy, actually. Anyone brave enough to get closer to him will find that he’s actually quite gentleman-like, despite his curt attitude. If not for his looks, people would definitely just think that Amura’s the creepiest science teacher.