


3 years, 1 month ago


he/him a gay man yes yes yes uhhhhhhhhhh boyfriend of andrew hehehhehehehehheehhehehehhehehe will add much much more onto description later  btw you can colour him with purple hair or just his natural hair colour as shown your choice whatevahhhhhhh ghjiyhuasofguiaosfsdgdfhgfjgfjafgk 

hes black jamacian and homosexual man who really likes squirrels for some reason. very sensitive but uses more of his "left brain" for situations while his right brain by the law of mother nature blends and morphs with andrews brain together in one to inspire creativity in each others projects and visions. has several siblings. likes either a lot of solitude if not with his boyfriend, or to be silent when around most of other people than him, just very observent in those cases but a lot of thoughts still simmering in that noggin. follows a very hippie-pro psychadelic leaning lifestyle and laughs at least half of jokes andrew makes

early 20 something years old of life estimation and thinks roller skating is cool and also andrew got him addicted to joining him in while he plays with the record scratcher in his room. personality is partially remiscent of P Diddy the rapper. thank u for reading.