Ben Blackburn



3 years, 2 months ago


Benjamin R. Blackburn

o1 - Basics

Age: 47

Gender Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Birthday: July 9th

Profession: Private investigator

Alignment: True neutral

Voiceclaim: David Duchovny

Playlist: ♪♫♪

  • A down on his luck detective living in a small Colorado town. Ben takes up what he believes to be a simple missing person's case, and soon uncovers a dark secret buried by his town. One that will thrust him directly into the world of the supernatural.
o2 - Design

  • Faceclaim is somewhere between Robert Carlyle and David Duchovny -specifically how they both looked around 2009-ish.
  • 5'6". a little chubby with a decent amount of muscle.
  • He has permanent dark circles under his eyes, looks like he hasn’t slept in a month.
  • He usually has at least a couple days worth of stubble, but can also go up to a light beard.
  • Typically wears stuff that looks like it came off the LL. Bean discount rack.
    Outfit inspo



o3 - Personality







  • Extremely strong coffee
  • Bigfoot hunting
  • Monster hunter shows
  • Most people tbh
  • The fact that he hasn't been abducted by aliens yet


  • Ben is a fairly quiet and introverted person who tends to have kind of a cynical outlook on life. He has terrible social skills, and really doesn't talk much, which tends to make him come off as being kind of unapproachable to most people. And while he is a really sweet and caring guy around people who have taken the time to get to know him, he can definitely be grouchy and more than a bit of an asshole at times, especially when people get on his nerves. On the rare occasions when he actually says more than three words at once, he's almost always extremely sarcastic and swears far too much, and has a very morbid sense of humor.
o4 - Trivia

  • His eyesight is absolutely awful. He usually wears contacts because he hates having his glasses fall off constantly.
  • He's currently in an ongoing feud with the bears that frequent his neighborhood. The bears are winning by a wide margin.
  • Is convinced that Kansas isn't a real place.




[ partner in crime (and other things) ]

Ben initially met Alec when he showed up at his church looking for help with a case he was working on, and the two would later find themselves working together as kind of begrudging partners. Although they didn't care much for each other in the beginning they began to grow closer, and despite their differences, the two soon became close friends and would eventually find their relationship growing into something more…

Their relationship can be summed up by this meme



[ relationship ]

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