Reve's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

chipiko Global Rules

do not whitewash designs with dark skin, do not portray anything harmful with my designs; that is all i ask. be respectful towards other people. if you are bigoted then i do not want my designs going to you

minor art edits don't require my permission and are free to be done! major edits to my art/designs are forbidden



- do not resell designs obtained through trading unless you have added art/commissioned art. meme art (unless, again, commissioned) does not count. gifted art (this includes artfight) does not count

- do not sell for far more than what you bought the design for if there are no added pieces

- i do allow resale of designs obtained through trade if you are in need of funds, such as emergency situations. your health and real life come first!