Rumi (humanoid pup)




Nickame: Roomba
Age: 27
Gender: non-binary
Pronouns: they/them
Birthday: August 5th
Voice: n/a
Theme: n/a

Species: humanoid puppy
Height: 5'5"
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: freelance artist
Home: Earth
Closest friends: Pastry, Pancake, Buggy
Favorite color: rainbow
  • hanging out with pals
  • collecting bones
  • fossils
  • making art
  • going to the zoo

Rumi is a mischevious pup, but they can be quite shy, too. Pastry is Rumi's best friend, they spent a lot of time together when they were growing up. Rumi works as a freelance artist and takes commissions to get by, and works multiple revolving part time jobs to get by. Though they're mostly known for being playfully pesky, they also have a really soft side that they keep hidden from most. Rumi has their first serious boyfriend, a non-binary cat boy named Buggy. They met at a thrift store and bonded over their shared fashion interests.

Rumi is such a special design!! RavensRamen is one of my favorite character designers, I got Rumi through adopts amino when someone was reselling bc they couldn't connect. Which I'm extremely thankful for, considering I connect with them very very well. I want to develop Rumi further, so I'll update this when there's more to go into!! I particularly want to focus on Rumi's fashion sense and give them a wardrobe of alt fashion clothes

  • know it alls
  • gate keeping
  • being told what to do
  • moody people
  • getting misgendered