


3 years, 2 months ago



"it's not so bad after all"

Ichi is a good-natured and playful person who spends much of her time creating and cooking sweets in her bakery. But despite her good mood and interacting a lot with customers, she has trouble connecting with people and making friends, being quite lonely most of the time.

Her personality changes to a little more sarcastic and hot-headed with those who try to make trouble inside her store


Name Ichi
Age Adult
Gender genderless, but uses She/her
Species Shapeshifter (prefers snails)
Birthday March 29th
Height 1,68 (can change)
Orientation Ace
Occupation confectioner

  • Snails
  • Rainy days
  • sweets and strawberries, that's why a lot of her forms has something to do with it

  • When some try to catch the strawberries that grow on her shell
  • very dry days
  • angry and quarrelsome customers


  • Although she is a shapeshifter, she can be seen most of the time in her snail form, as they are her favorite animals. In addition to that even when she is in other forms/species she likes to keep her shell or something that resembles her most used form
  • no one knows her true form as she doesn't talk much about it
  • She doesn't get along very well with children, either because she doesn't know how to handle them or because they are usually brats who try to pluck strawberries from her shell. One child even bit her tail once
  • She eats a lot, especially fruits and sweets. She doesn't really like vegetables though.

Design Notes

  • Can be drawn with big or small hands
  • The strawberry ornaments can be on both antennas or on one, but the vine is only on the left
  • You can make her on other species, but keep the shell


Ichi came from a different dimension, a strange place that shaped itself into something different all the time, sometimes it could be a park, sometimes a building, and sometimes even something without a specific shape. It was a strange place but it was her home, and she liked it. In addition to being her home, she had a family, a creature that she considered like a sibling, and even though the two were from different areas it was common to see the two together walking or just looking for something to do.

However, one day when she was exploring, a portal that looked like a door appeared and Ichi ended up being pulled into the current dimension. Lost and not knowing how to get back she hid for a long time before getting the courage to try to interact and find a way to get back, but for that she needed to collect information in order to create a form that would blend in with the crowd.

The first creature Ichi had seen in that dimension was a small snail, and because she hadn't seen anything like it before, she just thought it was amazing and decided that she would assume a form similar to that one. It was very different from the current form that she uses the most, being much more similar to the shape and natural color of the snail, but she was changing as she got to know more about the world she was in, although because of the old way of living she is not very used to living with people

It's been many years now and she still hasn't found a way to go back, but with some progress she found a way to connect with her original dimension and after a lot of trying she finally managed to find a way to talk to her sibling, and that was a great relief for her, which made it possible for her to finally relax and enjoy the new life she had built. She still hopes to one day be able to go back and at least visit her old home and brother, but she thinks that maybe she has found a new home in this dimension

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