

Howl: a weak but sustained howl

Personality: evasive, likes shiny things, loves to lick and chew on things. Once she's chewed on something though she is picky and considers it 'used' and will want to find a new thing to chew on rather than reuse the same objects. Not very good at thinking about what is safe to put in her mouth either. She looks for size and shape and may neglect to consider other factors. Irene is a morning wolf and will sleep by the opening to the den so when she gets up she can easily get about her business without having to navigate around others still sleeping to get out. Likes cool temperatures but not cold. Also doesn't like extreme heat and that includes fire. She also doesn't like how fire will warm up one part and the heat may have trouble getting to her skin but will make the surface of the fur very hot. So even if it is cold she will be unsure whether she would prefer to just stay cold or be by the fire. Dislikes bad smells.