


3 years, 5 months ago


Scout Drone #3 "Kyriehalla"

A scout sent to the planet of Daisekai to collect DNA samples of powerful warriors, only to find herself instead entangled in the petty inconveniences and social drama of a modern society.

Basic Info

Kyriehalla, Kyrie
3'11" to 14'4"
17 kg to 3.6 tons
Black Garden Ant (Kaiju)
Strength-Seeking Vagabond


Kyriehalla is a black garden ant with a short, stocky body and four arms.

When she transforms into her kaiju form, her body turns a bright metallic grey, and the top edges of her wings sprout dark grey bird feathers. Her stocky build becomes taller yet her muscles much more pronounced.

Powers and Abilities



Inherent Powers

In addition to the standard kaiju’s powers (see Cedi for that info), Kyriehalla’s personal mutation allows her to store DNA & Radiance sampled from kaiju she draws blood from with her claws. She must stick her claws in her targets for at least a second to successfully store this genetic information, which she stores in internal sacs. The process has no adverse side effects for the subject she extracts DNA from aside from an injury that heals as easily as any other injury a kaijufolk sustains... it... DOES have no side effects, right...?

When she samples DNA, she can mimic the original bearer’s powers to an extent. For example, while she might be incapable of perfectly mimicking a venomous kaiju’s poison scales, sampling their DNA will allow her to develop a poison with similar effects and spit it out through her mouth. The more DNA she samples, the more varied and powerful mutations she can mimic. She can only store a maximum of 8 DNA samples at a time, but she can discard weaker & obsolete samples to make room for more powerful samples.

She also has the power to project Radiance as lasers from her eyes, but this ability is much more limited than most kaiju with Radiance-based mutations. As all other mutations she can mimic, she can augment her innate Radiance powers to be on par with or greater than other kaiju if she samples DNA from multiple Radiance-type kaiju.

Skills & Tools

Kyriehalla was created with pre-programmed knowledge of everything essential to her mission as planned -- expert survival tactics, stealth techniques, engineering skills to perform maintainance on highly advanced technology, and a deadly thorough understanding of kaiju physiology. Unfortunately for her, most of these skills are rarely applicable in the modern megapolis she found herself in unless she intends to live as an extremely suspicious hermit.

She has a device that allows her to sample the DNA of any kaiju and receive a breakdown of their mutation's abilities. As she does not intend anyone else to learn of this technology, she mostly uses it on her own body to analyze the DNA she takes from other kaiju.

Fighting Style

While she's technically an expert in close quarters combat, Kyriehalla was trained as a scout, not a soldier, nor does she has experience. She can read and predict the movements of multiple enemies in close quarters, but her specialty is one-on-one combat or skirmishes that similarly allow her to concentrate on one target at a time.

Her movements are extremely precise and controlled, and she's adapt at reading her opponents. She excels at calculating any species' biological weak points and subduing them with lethal or nonlethal force as the situation prefers, using precision body blows to swiftly eliminate enemies without generating too much noise.

As her mutations frequently change, she is trained in a variety of defense techniques against the most common combat applications of the most common kaijufolk mutations -- fire, acid, poisons, electricity, and radiance -- and in how to apply those mutations with her own powers, should she have such an ability in her present repertoire.

Example Techniques

  • Assassin Crush: A grappling technique where Kyriehalla grabs her foe with her palm against their face and SLAMS their head into the ground, with the intention of instantly KOing (or at least seriously dazing) her target. To keep a low profile, she'll catch her opponent's body to avoid making noise with the impact of their body collapsing.
  • Talon Suplex: Kyriehalla leaps into the air and spreads her wings, clutching her target's head with her foot-claw, and performs a flip with uncanny grace for her size before throwing her opponent into a newly-formed crater in the earth. She reserves this technique for when lethal force is necessary and avoiding drawing attention is either not an option or not an issue.
  • Atom Ray: Kyriehalla alights her eyes with Radiance and fires a sweeping laser from her eyes. The laser's damage is minimal, but it triggers a delayed series of small-scale atomic explosions across her line of sight.



Kyriehalla is pragmatic and aloof, but also has a naively limited understanding of the present world and a childish curiosity that compels her to understand it. She’s extremely knowledgable in engineering, biology, combat, survival, and any other skill necessary to complete her mission -- and she knows it. But she has no concept of most things outside of those areas, including most matters of everyday life in the city, and thus is prone to failing to realize how odd her obliviousness towards such matters are.


Kyriehalla does not have much history. Her life began with the understanding of her sole purpose -- to harvest the genetic material of worthy specimens for Mother.

Well, technically, her life began in a glass tube, with all of the knowledge of her mission & the skills required to pull it off. But Mother Alpha, the closest thing she has to a parental figure, does not know anything of the present day Daisekai, thus neither does Kyriehalla. The experiment was supposed to be simple -- seed the genes of the kaiju among the world 10,000 years ago, let nature take its course, and now send a scout in a shuttle to harvest the samples. But nobody expected such a primitive world to become so complex so quickly… and yet, so few worthy warriors to harvest DNA from.

Kyriehalla has based her operations in the modern megapolis of New Todeadon, where she both sticks out like a sore thumb and blends in like a needle in a haystack. To most, she’s yet another foreigner seeking the unreliable promise of wealth & prosperity in the world’s biggest melting pot. Those things mean nothing to her mission, and by proxy, they mean nothing to her -- but, for better or for worse, her mission now requires her to maintain a low profile. To maintain a low profile, she must learn to understand these things that the citizens of New Todeadon prioritize above fighting and strength. And, in the process, she might learn to empathize with them...


  • Keep her origins & personal mutation a secret from all, including her closest contacts in New Todeadon.
  • Collect the DNA and Radiance of worthy warriors and return them to Mother Alpha.
  • Learn more about modern society, including where she can find powerful warriors, how to fit in with others, etc.
  • Gain registration as a legal citizen of New Todeadon to enable her operations to proceed more easily.


  • Kyriehalla is currently planned to act as the protagonist & point-of-view character for the story I intend to tell in the GSB universe.
  • In a previous iteration of the GSB universe, Kyriehalla was a bird with very vague “spirit-enhancing powers”. She is now an ant with power-copying powers because I love bug characters and nobody can stop me.