


6 years, 10 months ago


 Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Name:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Age:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Gender:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Species:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Mara - another name for Alp

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Sexuality:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Birthday:
 Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] 
November 9th 

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]HeightMisc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]
4'8''  (142.24 cm)

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Job:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Spirit-Item:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]

A looped necklace with a four pointed star on it

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Personality: Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] 
Ailbhe is an extremely quirky boy with a serene disposition and many eccentric beliefs and qualities. Ailbhe is a very highly optimistic person who loves to laugh a lot. He lacks self-consciousness and is not afraid to show who he truly is. Ailbhe loves to go around on little adventures (what he calls them). He loves to explore and find new things. He is a forgiving individual and tries to be as understanding and nonjudgmental as he can be.  He also is extremely naïve ,but he is unusually perceptive. His demeanor and voice are often distant and dreamy, and he will drift away from a conversation he does not find interesting; however, if someone ever makes fun of his friends, the airy, dreamy quality in his voice would vanish and be replaced by one of steel, and he would immediately become very angry. He has an uncanny way of making others uncomfortable by being bluntly honest. He is completely unflappable and rarely seems to be anxious or under stress, even under the most difficult of circumstances. Ailbhe is also very good at comforting others.

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Likes:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]
tick  Exploring
tick Art
tick  Pancakes
tick Sweaters
tick  Making things (like new beverages)
tick Earrings    
tick Animals
tick  Their friends
tick Chocolate 

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] Dislikes:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1]
x Angry Drunks
x Pork
x History books
x Pants
x People who don't pay their tabs
x The cold
x Bad chocolate

Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] BackStory:Misc Emoji-12 (Stars 2) [V1] 
Ailbhe was born in Belgium to a small family only consisting of him and his dad. Ailbhe was born as an Alp(Mara is the more feminine term for it) because his mother needed to use a horse collar to ease the pain during an extremely long and torturous childbirth, which she mother died during. Ailbhe was born in a small cottage in forest away from humans. Their family has been living these parts of the forest for centuries, from the time when all believed in folklore, witchcraft, evil, etc. His dad wanted Ailbhe to remain away from human influences, corruption, and mindless killings. Ailbhe was even back then an adventurous spirit, exploring as far as he could go before his father would drag him back to the cottage. Ailbhe only go to study the basics of their kind and how to read and write, before his father couldn't teach him anymore. Ailbhe soon got bored of day to day life at the cottage and took up drawing, he would go out into the cold forest around him and draw everything that he could. Spending a peaceful time like that for quite a few years, before Ailbhe when going out to draw saw a city on the outskirts of the forest. Amazed by this Ailbhe brought his father to see the city, excitedly telling him that he wanted to go there. His father told him to never think that again and that humans were evil. Ailbhe just didn't believe that so he shapeshifted into a dog went out on his own into town. Looking around at all the lights and people milling about was awesome to Ailbhe. Realizing the night was ending Ailbhe went back home, planning to go out the next dat. Coming into the next day Ailbhe went back out to the city the next day shapeshifting into a cat this time. Ailbhe went out to try everything he could, the food, cute clothes, smell all the smells, etc. Each day he spent longer time there even sneaking into school to learn more, until his father figured out what Ailbhe was doing and said if he really wanted to do stuff like this then I'll send to someplace where you belong. Ailbhe got sent to Night Paradise’s where he would be accepted without the threat of being killed. Upon entering he got his spirit item and took a job as a bartender, loving to create new mixtures and talk to interesting people.

Mara's are a different name for Alp demons that come from folklore. They are a demon that sits upon your chest and causes nightmares. They are also said to shapeshift into change into a cat, pig, dog, snake or a small white butterfly.

If you want to read more……