


3 years, 2 months ago


A small, innocent demon who wasn't actually a demon

He died a sad yet normalized death, hit by a car. When he finally passed, he went to what's called "the middle grounds" which is a place between heaven and hell. There, the creatures there are supposed to collect all events that happened in your life, and whether you should go down or up. But every now and then, stuff like this happens. Somehow they got his life mixed with somebody elses, they didn't realize this until after they sent him down.

Shu (shurui) was the most wholsome person you could find out there, despite being 15, almost 16 a very rebellious age. Hell was different from what he thought, no, worse. There's always a eerie, chilly breeze, the "sky" is almost always dyed the color of crimson, Β there's muffled screams and cries far away from where your standing, echoing. As shu examined his wings, tail, horns, and dark, red skin, he finally realized. this is wrong. i wanna go home. he slowly sat down, head on his knees and hands around his legs, beginning to tear up, he rewinded all the memories he had in his past life, wishing and hoping he could go back. He rembered a song that his mother used to sing, yes, it was childish, but it was his only coping method, he quietly sang the lullaby he had known all his life, interrupted by his sniffles and tears,Β 

He knew what was happening, he knew now, what hell really was. it wasnt anger, its sadness. All of a sudden a black mist apeared in front of him, and a tall figure appeared, he seemed to be a pink-ish color, with red horns and small, red wings. He had a,, what seemed to be a butler outfit, imprinted with skulls, horns, and roses.

Yep. This is what a demon looks like, huh.

THE PINK DUDE WILL BE REVEALED SOON! I'll continue the story after they are created !

Characters detailsΒ 

Age: 15

Sexuality: straight (for now~)

Height: 5.10 yes shortΒ