


3 years, 2 months ago




Rock type Eeveelution

Quarreon, the rock type Eeveelution. Evolves from an Eevee traded holding a rocky helmet. Ability is rock head. Unlike many rock types, it's more offense than defense. It's low defensive stats are compensated by it's sharp ears, craggy spine and boulder like feet, that can pierce attackers. When attacking it leaps into the air and uses the dome on it's head for devestating skull bashes. It's tail can also be used as a club if struck from behind. Quite aggressive, it will pick a fight with pokemon much larger than itself.

Character Notes

Confident and agressive, won't hesitate to pick a fight.

Primary weapons are it's head and tail dome, though it can be resourceful with other body parts.

surprisingly lithe for a rock type, it can twist and turn sharply when responding to attacks.

Design Notes

It's body is a stony brown coloured fur, it's feet and the protrusions from it's spine are stone.

Smooth tail and head dome.

Small rocks around it's head dome and upper eyelid.

Feet are encased in stone, the front legs' "boulder shoes" are slightly shorter than the back legs.

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