
3 years, 2 months ago


Name:           Kirai (jap. word for "hate"), Former name "Rasuto" (jap. word for "last")

Species:         wolf 

Gender:          male

Weight:          60kg

Size:               shoulder height: 85cm

Fur colour:     black

Eye colour:     red ( no pupils, his eyes are just red glowing orbs )

Parents:          unknown

Traits:   - mischievous

            - narcissistic

            - merciless

            - devious

            - a little mad, but yet smart

He's the kind of personality that's most disliked in movies. He's not the one in command, he's the so called "bootlicker". The leader thinks he's loyal, but he's not. He's just waiting for the perfect opportunity to get rid of him and take the lead on his own. He's manipulative and smart, you might end up doing exatly what he wants you to do, without even knowing.

Special abilities:   He can disconnect his shadow from  his body. It can move independently on any surface, except for reflective ones, like mirrors for example. His shadow can see, hear and smell, but can neither touch anything nor make any sound. It has red glowing eyes, just like Kirai himself. Kirai's eyes are an direct connection to the realm of the shadows. Better don't stare too long at them, in case he doesn't like you, he might make your soul find it's way to the realm of shadows. It's pretty hard to get it back from there, as you might have assumed.


The sun went down and Rasuto slowly opened his eyes. It was almost time to get up and prepare for the hunt.
He pricked up his ears and listened closely, obviously the others were already up. Rasuto always sleeps apart from his parents and siblings, therefore he wasn't able to see them.
After he pulled himself together he walked the narrow path between the bushes to join his family. He hated to go hunting with them, he'd rather be on his own, but hunting doesn't work alone,
that's at least what the elders told him. Well, there is a reason why he doesn't like to be together with his siblings. He was the lastborn and since day one considered a weakling and they didn't skip a
single opportunity to make sure he never forgets that. They treated him like dirt. He was never given the chance to prove himself. He wasn't dumb and neither was he weak. They roamed their territory for
a couple of hours but didn't find a single track or scent of prey. Then, all of a sudden, Rasuto heard a noise. It definitely was the scream of a fawn! Perfect prey for them, but nobody else
noticed it, therefore Rasuto tried to let the others know and said: "Hey guys, haven't you hear ...", but he got interrupted immediately. "Be quiet! Or do you want that every animal in forest knows
that we are here ?" his older brother Pawa, which also was the biggest of the siblings, growled at him. "Fine", Rasuto thought "If you don't want to listen to me, I look for it on my own". He
sneaked away from the group unnoticed. Soon he picked up the scent of the fawn, it seemed to be all alone. He found it curled up in high grass, probably waiting for it's mother to return. Rasuto was
about a year old now and strong enough to easily take care of this on his own, so he sneaked up to it and by a quick and precise bite he killed it. He carried the fawn for a while when suddenly one
of his siblings showed up in front of him. Obviously they finally realised that he was gone and went looking for him. Pawa spoke up. "What do you think you're doing?!", he yelled at
Rasuto. With a strict look in his eyes he answered: "Well, you didn't want to listen to me, so I took care of this my own." Pawa wasn't amused at all, but soon his expression changed from anger to a greasy
smile. "Now be a nice little brother and hand over the fawn. They will be so dear proud of me when they see that I found prey." It didn't take Rasuto long to understand what his brother was up to. "No.
This is mine.", he answered in a firm voice. Today was the day that the harassment would end. That he finally could proof that he was more than anybody thought he was.
Now there was pure anger in Pawa's face and he bared his teeth. "We will see about that. I'll put you in your place!" he growled in a deep voice. Rasuto dropped the fawn and prepared for the fight. His bigger
brother leaped forward right at him, they wrestled on the ground. It was a crazy scene. Blood was spilled. Rasuto felt that his brother gained the upper hand and that he would lose. Then, suddenly, he
saw his brother's claws closing in. He hit him right across his left eye. Blood was dripping down and covered all the ground beneath him. Everything faded to black and he went unconscious.
After a while,
He didn't know how much time passed, he woke up. Something was different. The left part of his face hurt severely. He knew his left eye was gone. His brother damaged it in the fight so badly that he was half blind now.
Pawa went too far. A dispute between siblings or family members shouldn't end with an injury like this. Besides that, the fawn wasn't there anymore and no sign of Pawa or his family. They must have abandoned
him. Dry blood covered his face and body. Most of it was his own, some his brother's. Slowly he rised, it felt like every single bone in his body was broken. Rasuto started walking, not back to the den, but
towards the border. He wouldn't go back now. It was time to find his own way. Rasuto was weak, pain and hunger made it hard for him to carry on. He couldn't take another step and fell to the ground. Should
it end like this? The last emotions he felt were a mixture of loneliness, sadness and anger. Revenge. He wanted revenge for what they did to him. For what his brother did to him.

"I know how you feel right now." a strong, deep, but calm voice said, "Your heart is full of hatred.". Rasutos pain was gone, his eyesight was back and he felt strong. Was this some kind of dream?
In front of him was a road leading towards a forest. It looked familiar. Behind him was cliff. He looked down, but couldn't see the ground. "Who are you?", Rasuto asked. "I'm the one that can help you, that's
all you need to know.", the voice answered. "I have a offer for you. The choice is all up to you. You see the abyss behind you? Just jump and everything's over. Forever. You're dead. That doesn't sound
too good, does it? Or you take the path in front of you. You will become my servant ... a force that hast to be reckoned with. The shadows will be your friend. You'll be given a second chance. The opportunity
to take revenge. A new life and a new name."
Rasuto didn't want to die, of course. "What do you want in exchange?", he asked. "Not much. You could say I'm a collector. A collector of souls. This place is called "The realm of shadows", not many get the chance
to visit it. You, my friend, will be a bridge between the real world and this place. You'll be given the power to send souls here ... besides some other helpful skills. I will equip you with all the knowledge
and skills. All you need to do is to send me souls. Whose souls and how many is up to you. And before I forget it, part of your soul will stay here too. You will never be able to feel love. There will be
no kindness. They will learn to fear you in the real world. But I guess that won't make much difference. Have you ever felt love before? I don't think so."
He hesitated for a second, then he stepped forward. He found his destiny. "Love", he didn't even know how it was spelled. It's time to make the world suffer for what it did to him.
"Good choice! Take your place in this cruel world, Kirai!"