
3 years, 2 months ago



Kirith Araleth





Day of Creation

March 31th-2021






43 years



Voice Reference

Keith Ferguson





Loyalty is V's strongest point and does not like lying or walking around the bush. He isn't very talkative or social, but when needed he is not afraid of stepping up to talk. V might not look like he enjoys anything when it comes to living. Due to his gruesome death, he became less attached to things that made him enjoy life. Even through his event of his death, he still has his memories from back to his old days on the ship, and does enjoy any type of activities that he would normally would've done as being part of a crew. He is very curious when it comes to trinkets and artifacts related to seafaring. Perhaps one of the few things that keeps him interested in his life. His humor is quite grim and dark, as dying gives a result of losing faith in the idea of "having fun". He still wants to be loved even if he does not like the idea of being cared for. V is extremely loyal to those around him, and knowingly cares for him. However, his true loyalty lies with Har'thi. If there would ever be an occurrence that she would ask him to kill the ones he loves, he would do it without hesitation. Due to Har'thi her magic coursing through V's body, V can get extremely violent. This happens particularly when he finds those who are on V's list. This rush of magic makes him feel powerful and good, almost like a drug. Even through these violent moments, it doesn't happen often. When his mind isn't clouded by Har'thi's pact magic, V mostly acts calculated and isn't quickly agitated.


Dying at the hand of his own crewmates. Now Kirith had to fend them off, as munity was planned on the ship he was part of. He tried to fight back, but in the end got beheaded with a blow he could not predict. His body and head got thrown overboard. His body was torn apart by sharks who were circling the ship. His soul, now trapped within the ocean's tides, he could not see, nor feel anything. Yet he could hear her voice...

..She, who slumbers underneath the tides, whose tentacles stretch out over the seafloor, she controls the tides and waves, the Eldritch being of horror. She communicated with his soul. Offered him a deal. His revenge on the ship, for eternity of service to her. Without any doubt, he accepted her offer. "Death to those who dare oppose my loyalty."

As the ship was floating peacefully along the tides, clouds began to gather, tides started to become rowdy. As from the rising waves three gigantic tentacles tower over the ship. The tentacles crashing down, completely annihilated the ship by the size and strength. Those who survived the crash still aren't done with the madness. The rest of the crew gets either taken to the ocean floor by extra smaller sized tentacles or are ripped apart by the sharks that were surrounding the boat.



  • Has a eldritch deepsea horror patron.
  • His body has been split by sharks and the left side of his face has been eaten off by fish (Including his eye).
  • Keeps his face covered to avoid being stared at.
  • Death by being beheaded.



A human woman who used to date V when he was younger. She used to know him when he was still adventurous, happy and lively. They broke up because V had to go to sea. It's unknown to V if Treva is still alive and has knowledge of him being undead.


Har'thi an Eldritch being that lives underneath the ocean floor. Her tentacles reached throughout the sea. V serves her as part of the deal she struck with him. Revenge for eternal service to her. Her intentions are unknown to V. In order to communicate with her, he needs to be in touch with water. This can be through lakes and rivers, but works best when closer to the sea. V reference Har'thi as she or her when talking about her.


A human man who beheaded and threw V into the ocean. He wants nothing more than power, and tries every chance he gets to manipulate and change a situation to his advantage. It's not sure if he survived the attack on the boat, however he is pretty well known for surviving extreme weird events.