** Skitz



9 years, 15 days ago

Basic Info

Name ;

Dorus 'Skitz'

Nicknames ;

Gender ;


Pronouns ;

He / Him

Zodiacs ;



They have skunk like markings on their back and tail; Bow can be worn around base of tail or around neck Is introverted because everyone seems to judge the book by its cover

» General Information


Likes »

Windy days, reading, playing the piano, honey, most fruits and berries.
Dislikes »
Social interaction, public speaking, pizza, loud thunder, asking for help.

What's in the bag, Bag? »
Bailey typically carries around a small denim bag which holds their necessities, or as they like to call it, survival gear.
Headphones ; The world is noisy, and with sensitive ears they find it much easier to place in their noise-canceling earbuds and play a little Rustie on a low volume.
A can of tuna ; Eating is something everyone needs to do, and they find it best to indulge in a familiar, savory dish. How do they get it open is another story.
Their Nook ; Being a fan of reading yet not doing it as often as they once did, their Nook provides a wonderful way to pass the time with plenty of books in one.
A blanket ; Kinda decent for picnicking, or as a backup if their friend hogs the covers during a sleepover, their small fleece blanket is pretty useful.
Lots of spare change ; You never know when you're gonna need spare change, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
A camera ; Bailey's had many, many moments in which they wish they took a camera some place, but never did. They swear, it'll never happen again though.

♥ Favourite quotes »

“Non omnes quaestiones habeo responsum.”
      Not all questions have an answer.

If you're depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're
living in the future. If you're at peace, you're living in the present.

Date of First Publification ; June 1st, 2015