


3 years, 5 months ago


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Name: Swampsong/Jackfruit

Future Names: N/A

Age: 50 Moons

Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male(he/him)

Clan: The Wolves

Rank: Member/Warrior

Orientation: Ace/aro

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Family Info

 Parents: N/A

 Siblings: N/A

 Mate: N/A

 Kits: N/A

 Other: N/A

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 RP Information

Barely anything at all occurred in his life before the Wolves took him in, or well, the rouge took him in. He had always been on his own beforehand, and he never questioned his lonely state really. Once he found the farm, the lively plants were abundant throughout the whole plot of land. The colors amused him quite a bit, so much so that he decided to investigate further. He quickly became one of the many barn cats the twoleg had on their farm, and he thought it wasn't half too bad(aside from the twoleg themselves of course). He was one of the first rouges to band with the original leader to fight against the now deceased farmer of their ranch. Nowadays, he helps teach younger cats how to tend to fruits and how to take down livestock. He himself is quite the strong cat, especially considering the many moons under his pelt.

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 Appearance: Durian is a coarse-furred, gigantic tom with large paws and a greenish-brown hue. His eyes are grey with a tiny bit of teal in them. He wears a black chained color with a green and black pawprint bandana. One of his backlegs is wrapped in a green bandage, as it is currently broken.

 Personality: Durian is an unapologetically rude and messy cat, and he isn't afraid to do dirty work. As one of the ones to kill the twoleg, he regrets nothing in his murderous actions. He obtained a broken hind leg from the attack itself, but he's wrapped it to keep it secure. It's a permanent break, but he can function just fine with the injury. He's one of the more active members of the group, taking great pride over the farm he calls their own. He's got a medium level of herbal knowledge, purely from healing his own wounds over his lifetime. He has the greatest attachment to the squash and the smellier fruits of the farm, since he can handle the stench.

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