Leilani's Comments

Ooo, this is a beautiful design !! i can see myself using them for tabletop games & roleplays, but also for a potential post-apoc story i've got in the wings. a really bright, colorful design to contrast the realistic/subdued characters i've currently got, and maybe a foil for that story's POV character. (POV character is a striped hyena who's super rough and the edges, bit of an isolationist, kind of an ass, and not afraid to do some morally questionable things in order to help her loved ones.)

i can see this character being a sort of rallying leader-ish figure, head of a survivor group that refuses to give up on humanity. almost a hero-figure to some, very in the spotlight and active in all kinds of community projects; but all that publicity weighs pretty heavily on them, and they're more than a little terrified of letting others down. very atlas-complex-y, in which they feel their worth is only tied to how much they can contribute & how useful they are to The Group. huge hypocrite in the fact they're extremely sincere, uplifting/supportive, and forgiving of others, but refuses to tell anyone about their own insecurities. would probably have an arc where they get into a situation where they Cannot be useful, and they just have to grapple with and accept that if they want to get through it.

also they'd 100% fight with their skateboard.

not quite sure what i'd name them, tho... i'll have to give that some further thought!

you had me at tabletop games and then again at fights with their skateboard. a name is not necessary, I hope you enjoy & take good care of them!

ahh, thank ya so much! i'll put 'em to good use <3<3