


7 years, 28 days ago




boxer | 24 | he/him


oekaki link
breedings  1
slots 2/3
original creator jo-hann


Amaru's family immigrated to America when he was a young boy. Starting new lives in a brand new country, they weren't exactly well off. Amaru was a shy kid who got picked on for being different. One kid in particular was known for starting fights and Amaru was often the target. Amaru couldn't stand being bullied, though. He fought back. It got to the point where he looked forward to taking his bully on again and again. In a twisted way, he was the only other student Amaru could count on seeing and talking to. Otherwise, he was lonely.

Eventually, the two developed respect for one another and started an unexpected friendship. Amaru learned that he was a boxer and joined him at the gym. Boxing offered Amaru a way to defend himself-- something that could bring him a sense of fulfillment and strength-- so he kept at it, also entering the local circuit which brought in a little extra money for the family.

Amaru would have dropped out of high school if it wasn't for his parents. His boxing career was becoming so successful that in his later years, he was having trouble balancing the two obligations. Once he graduated, though, he didn't pursue college (to his parents' dismay). However, he has made a very big name for himself as a professional boxer.

Now at age 24, Amaru is highly experienced and very close to winning some championship titles. It may be a dangerous road to go down, but he's already dedicated his life to the sport. It's the only thing he knows how to do, the only thing that gives him a sense of purpose, and ultimately, the only defense mechanism he has to help him "get through life". Without boxing, he feels vulnerable and doesn't entirely know who he is underneath the powerful and refined persona he's constructed.

Character Info

personality intimidating, sure
nickname(s) the surgeon, chief surgeon, sawbones
birthday 6/15
orientation mostly straight
mate -
kids -
setting modern city


boxing/competitive fighting, the outdoors, a challenge, dressing nice loll.



Html code by Coywolfy