


3 years, 2 months ago



"When I rule the world, then I'm gonna make you sweat..."
Name [Dulshay Darling]
Name Pronunciation [Dull-shay]
Species [Sylveon]
Age [24]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Pansexual]
Occupation [Drag queen]
Residence [Seattle, Washington]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Legs and tail are light pink and edged with hot pink heart outlines
  • Main fur is blonde and can range from honey to platinum in hue
  • Long retractable claws that alternate in color between pale pink and sparkly hot pink
  • Eyes are deep brown
  • "Bows" on head and chest are light pink and are actually antennae, which can move independently of one another

Dulshay initially presents as perky, highly extraverted, and outrageous. However, beneath this facade, there is a woman of more depth. Dulshay is curious, thoughtful, and cares deeply for others, especially the downtrodden. To discount Dulshay due to her "bimbo" image would be a mistake--she is complex, fascinating, and highly enjoyable to be around. Theme song: Liz--When I Rule The World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2haRSNr08M


Dulshay did not always have it easy--her home life as a child was difficult, and she dreamed of running away and making it big someday. Eventually, she did just that, starting up her drag queen act and traveling the country building a fan base. Dulshay eventually settled in Seattle, where she was successful but lonely--until she found her cherished friend group. Dulshay now spends every day glamming it up and living the good life, surrounded by love, glitter, and a little bit of magic.


Alexander and Dulshay were introduced via Grayson. Alexander initially found Dulshay to be irritating, but she eventually won him over with her charm and by revealing her more thoughtful side. Nowadays, Alexander views Dulshay as resilient, brave and poetic in her own way, and does his best to encourage her to explore the vulnerable parts of her nature. Dulshay, for her part, helps Alexander to have fun and tries to keep him from becoming a "stick in the mud."


Grayson initially introduced Briar and Dulshay, and had a hunch that their energies would work well together. They were correct, especially after Briar and Dulshay discovered their mutual love of horror movies! Briar now frequently comes to Dulshay's shows, and Dulshay is a regular visitor to Briar's Halloween store. The pair feed off of each other's personalities in a positive way--each feels more self-assured around the other.


Grayson met Dulshay at a Pride event that they were helping to coordinate, and loved Dulshay's verve and confident bubbliness right away. In turn, Dulshay was impressed by Grayson's ambition and heartened by their kindness. Grayson has helped Dulshay to find a community of friends and feel accepted, something that Dulshay has struggled with in the past. In turn, Dulshay has repaid Grayson with her loyalty--and front-row seats to all her shows!


Grayson is a mutual friend of Jolene's and Dulshay's, and led the two to become acquainted. Initially, Jolene was suspicious of Dulshay, and wondered what could be lurking behind her happy-go-lucky exterior. Imagine Jolene's delight when she found that Dulshay had an interest in witchcraft! Jolene now proudly tutors Dulshay in the craft, with Dulshay doing what she can to lift Jolene's spirits and to convince her that life is to be enjoyed.


Li and Dulshay were introduced by Grayson. Dulshay was a bit intimidated by Li at first--he seemed so smart and worldly! Eventually, though, she got up the courage to approach him, whereupon she found him to be a genuinely kind person. Li encourages Dulshay to explore her intellectual side--perhaps this is at odds with her self-proclaimed "bimbo" identity, but it seems to be helping Dulshay to become more well-rounded.


Grayson introduced Marieus and Dulshay, and was initially concerned with how their egos would interact--the two are both very strong personalities! They need not have worried, though--the pair hit it off quickly, eventually leading to a romantic relationship. Both have a keen appreciation for aesthetics, entertainment, and the finer things in life, which has helped them to bond. Marieus has at times performed on stage with Dulshay, and Dulshay enjoys posing for Marieus' art--they support one another in every way.


Grayson led Posey and Dulshay to become acquainted. Dulshay was very impressed by Posey's intelligence, but was concerned that Posey seemed shy and uncertain of herself. Thus, Dulshay has made it her mission to help Posey develop some of her own pizazz! Posey is at times uncertain regarding Dulshay's efforts, but nevertheless is appreciative of them and considers Dulshay to be a dear friend.


Zoe was introduced to Dulshay by Grayson. Dulshay was at once fascinated by Zoe--Zoe's tomboyish nature is so very different from her own! Zoe, for her part, was initially annoyed by Dulshay, but became fond of her over time as she saw that there was more to Dulshay than her sparkly exterior. The two now enjoy each other's company frequently, peppered with good-natured teasing.


Genevieve first made friends with Dulshay's friend Posey after she engaged in a business deal with Posey, leading the two to become friends and for Posey to introduce her to the rest of the gang. Dulshay immediately liked Genevieve, whose cheerful, flashy personality mirrors that of hers. Genevieve also warmed to Dulshay quickly, seeing her as a little sister-like figure. The two ladies now enjoy partying, shopping, and generally getting up to mischief together.