
3 years, 2 months ago



"In the end, we will conserve only what we love..."
Name [Posey Stillgrass]
Name Pronunciation [Poe-see]
Species [Leafeon]
Age [34]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Lesbian]
Occupation [Natural history museum curator]
Residence [Seattle, Washington]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Main fur is pale purple
  • Live peonies grow from her chest, neck, head, and ankles--these are a mixture of bright and blush pink, with sage green leaves
  • Tail and ears are serrated, like leaves, and are sage green
  • Nose is light pink
  • Eyes are sage green

Posey appears to be demure, shy, and a wallflower initially. However, beneath her surface bubbles a remarkably astute and active brain, the knowledge and ideas in which she aches to share with the world. Posey takes some time to get to know, but once someone becomes friendly with her, her sweet and devoted nature is apparant. Posey also has an eccentric side, and she delights in eventually surprising those whom she gets to know well by revealing it! Theme song: Sidney Bechet--When the Sun Sets Down South:


Posey was raised by her grandmother, who taught her to respect all living things and to develop her intellect. Posey took those lessons to heart and combined them, formally studying and becoming an expert in natural history. She considered it to be her greatest honor when the local natural history museum invited her to become its curator, but still felt that there was something missing in her life. Fortunately, Posey in time found what she needed--which turned out to be a group of friends--and now feels quite satisfied both professionally and personally.


Alexander and Posey were introduced by their mutual friend, Grayson. Grayson had a hunch that the two would hit it off, and so it came to pass--the two are now dear friends. Like Posey, Alexander has a deep love of nature and is highly intellectually curious. The two now delight in teaching one another about their various interests--Posey has even given poetry a whirl with Alexander's encouragement!


Grayson introduced Briar and Posey. Briar's high level of energy would at first appear to be at odds with that of the cautious Posey, but Briar has a handy gift of being able to "turn down the volume" on his exuberance. This, coupled with Briar's genuine interest in Posey and her collection, has led the two to get along well. Posey helps to ground Briar, and Briar is helping Posey to be a bit more outgoing and brave.


Grayson first led Dulshay and Posey to meet one another. Posey was uncertain as to what to think of Dulshay at first--she seemed very "in your face" and intellectually shallow. However, Posey gave a friendship with her a try, and she is glad that she did--it turns out that Dulshay is smarter than she first lets on, and has a big heart to boot. While Posey tries to help Dulshay learn about the world, Dulshay has made it her mission to help Posey feel more self-confident, for which Posey is grateful.


Grayson met Posey one day when the two went to the same cafe for tea--Grayson noticed Posey sitting by herself and offered to let her join them. The two became fast friends--Grayson's gently encouraging personal style meshed nicely with Posey's shy curiosity about others. Grayson is a "social butterfly" who has welcomed Posey into their group of friends, and Posey could not be more thrilled! The two now spend hours together talking about everything from the humanities to the sciences.


Jolene and Posey were introduced by Grayson. Grayson felt that the two would likely get along well, and they were right--Jolene and Posey share the same introspective and curious personalities, which endeared them to one another. This eventually led a romantic relationship to develop between the two, to Posey's delight. Jolene is protective of Posey and is teaching her magic in order to shield herself from the world's dangers, while Posey encourages Jolene to appreciate the small things and to let her guard down a bit.


Grayson introduced Li and Posey, and the two took to one another right away. Li saw a wise and eager pupil in Posey, while Posey viewed Li as someone whose quiet strength she could admire. Li does his best to guide Posey through life and to help her to feel more confident. Meanwhile, Posey's insight helps Li to consider the world with a fresh set of eyes.


Posey was introduced to Marieus by Grayson, and was immediately intrigued by his collection of art. He, in turn, was fascinated by her collection of natural items, and as the two shared their expertise with one another over time, they became friends. Marieus can initially come across as haughty, but Posey was able to see past this facade, and knows now that Marieus is a thoughtful and loyal person. Marieus always finds himself struck by Posey's gentle and nonjudgmental nature, and secretly aspires to be more like her in this regard.


Grayson is a mutual friend of Zoe's and Posey's, and thus introduced the two to one another. Posey was nervous around Zoe's high energy at first, but Zoe's sunny demeanor and genuine interest in Posey eventually won her over. Zoe recognizes that her friend is a bit high-strung, and thus attempts to be a little calmer around her. Still, she encourages Posey to break out of her shell and experience all that life has to offer.


Posey first met Genevieve, who is a wedding planner, when Genevive approached her about hosting a ceremony at her museum for two of her clients. This acquaintanceship eventually blossomed into a bona fide friendship, with Posey ultimately introducing Genevieve to her group of comrades. Genevieve is creative, vivacious, and accepting, and so it was perhaps no surprise that Posey took warmly to her. In turn, Genevieve greatly respects Posey's intelligence and sense of humor, and often goes to her to learn more about various esoterica.