


3 years, 3 months ago


Backstory written by AsimiLykos

Emma had always been a loyal dog... More so than most, in fact. Wherever her beloved owner went, Emma followed. She had been trained since she was a pup to keep her owner safe and sense any unusual health issues. Her owner had always been sick, you see, for as long as Emma had known her. Even though they weren't able to do all the fun things most dogs did with their owners, Emma adored her nonetheless. One day, Emma sensed something wasn't right with her owner... She alerted people nearby, as she always did, and a loud car came to take her away. Emma wasn't too worried though, this had happened before, and her owner always came back soon. Everything would be fine.

With each day that passed, however, Emma's fears grew and grew, until one day she finally knew for certain; Her owner was never coming back. After realizing this fact, Emma did what any loyal dog would do; She traveled to the gates of the Underworld in search of her lost friend. Donning a dog skull mask to hide from the creatures that guard the underworld against the living, Emma crossed over and began her search, for however long it may take.

Fun fact: the skull she wears is the missing Third Skull of the Phantom Cerberus that Nat befriended. The other two skulls are searching high and low for their missing piece, but the Third Skull is determined not to be found until it has helped Emma finish her quest.