
3 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


MoonBeam (Luna150)

Artfight ID



Design Notes

Intentional Parts of The Design! (Rather than a Quirk of MoonBeam's Artstyle.)


Tiny nose with no muzzle line when facing forward. Muzzle marking is a diagonal line that goes from the edges of his nose to the corner of his eyes.

Forehead slopes out into very small muzle.


Cheek fluff sweeps up on the first point and down on second and third. Tear marks always stop at the third fluff.

Top of chest fluff always sweeps up.


Back stripes have rounded points. They also sweep subtly towards the front of his body.

Teeth have two points in a W-shape.


You're welcome to reference these when drawing the character! But they're mostly here as a reminder for me; otherwise I'll forget. Don't bend over backwards to conform to my art style or anything.

Character Bullets

The TLDR Version.

-It's short for Oleander. Do not call him Oleander.
-Besties with Newt and Linus. Usually chief grave digger of the friend group.
-Fifteen years old.
-Always wears his hat. It's his lucky charm. It's also always backwards.
-Skateboarder. He's actually quite good.
-Uses words like "dude," "radical," "epic," and "broski."
-Dying screams of the 90s personified.
-Nobody calls his friends dorks but him.
-Very physically affectionate. High fives, slaps on the back, tackle hugs, noogies. It borders on too rough sometimes.
-Has a very poor filter. Says a lot of things without thinking and gets himself into trouble.
-Thinks he's waaaay cooler than he actually is. In reality, he's just the least dorky of his friends.

Character Permissions

General Rules for Drawing Him. (Box Scrolls.)

  • You can draw him on two or four legs. Skates on all fours, though.
  • Hat is not optional. It should also stay backwards.
  • Non-hat accessories are optional.
  • Skateboard is optional.
  • Feel free to put him in over the top scene kid clothes!
  • If you draw him with his friends I will love you forever <33.


The Detailed Version.

The Physical Stuff

-Birthday: November 18th.
-7 when he first picked up a skateboard.
-15 (Currently).

Sexuality/Gender Identity:
-Omnisexual; Cis-Male.
-Alloromantic; Grey Asexual.
-Pronouns are he/him, but he would be happy to wear feminine clothes.

-Species: Mostly panda bear. There's a notable amount of red panda genetics and god knows what else in there, though.
-Height (All Fours): 3'4"
-Coat Color: Light pink with pink, black, and white markings.
-Eye Color: Green.

-Usually walks on all fours.
-Always wears the hat and collar. The hat is always on backwards.
-Often wears the hair clip and heart bracelet.
-Often has a smug, confident expression.
-Pain tolerance is notably high. He'll eat shit and get right back up.

Who They Are

-Overly confident.
-Smug bastard. Truly believes he's the coolest thing since dry ice.
-A bit of a clown.
-Always needs an audience for all his shenanigans. He likes the validation.
-Always cooking up some kind of mischief. A scheme, a prank - something.
-Loves his friends very dearly.
-Not afraid to throw the hell down.

-Has that sterotypical "Radical 90's Kid" vocabulary.
-Frequently uses words such as "like" "totally" "radical" "dude" and "dudular" (a combination of dude and tubular) "freaken" "awesome" "wild" "epic" and "coolio" just to name a few.
-His fashion sense is also very "90's radical" "early 2000's scene kid" esque

Not a Habit, but a Quirk:
-Has the world's worst filter. He will often blurt things out without thinking (usually very sassy, blunt things) and get himself into huge trouble.
-Superstitious. Fully believes in lucky charms, and his hat is one of them.
-Very physically affectionate. High fives, slaps on the back, fist bumps, tackle hugs, shaking people by the shoulders, noogies - It gets a little aggressive.

-Skateboarding! He's actually quite good at it. Specializes in four-legged skateboarding techniques.
-Super into music. Especially grunge and dubstep.

-Raised in Clearview.
-Neighbors with Newt and Linus. They've know each other their entire lives and are besties.
-Has consistently been in the same class with Newt since kindergarten.
-Picked up a skateboard when he was about seven and never put it down.
-Huge admirer of Pepper. She's like the queen of chaos. Total legend.

MoonBeam Screams

Meta Section Where MoonBeam Rambles Incessantly about the Character from an IRL Standpoint.

I won Ollie in a raffle! It is, as a matter of fact, the only Favorite-to-Enter raffle I have ever won. I had entirely forgotten I'd entered the raffle, and was waiting on a different character transfer at the time. So, I was caught pretty off guard when he showed up in my notifications. Very glad he did, though! I immediately started developing him and made him friends with Newt, who I'd recieved a month before hand, and Linus, who I had not purchased yet, but was planning on purchasing.

When I got Ollie, his name was actually Celyn (which, I am unsure how you would pronounce); you can actually see it on one of his old refs! I considered keeping it briefly, and then considered calling him Bayliss, and then at some point spontaneously decided his name was Ollie. He just looks like an Ollie. Also, it's a skateboard trick.

Most of his look I took from his original adopt. I leaned into the bearish parts of the base, I took his colors from that design, I took a lot of his proportions and shape from that design. But, I took a couple things from the ref of whoever adopted him first - namely two of his accesories and the eye color. The wildly different take we took on his species and proportions is super interesting to me, though.

Related Characters




Definitely the Bestie Ollie is Closest With. ...Don't Tell Anybody, Though.

-Ollie tells Newt stuff that he'd never tell anyone else.
-They've been in the same class every single year.
-Really wishes Newt would take a freaken chill pill already. It's not that serious.
-Ollie drags the both of them into a lot of mischief. If they ever got caught, Ollie would shoulder all the blame, but he's never vocalized that.
-He's always been able to rely on Newt, no matter how bad he messes up.

"You always gotta be so uptight? Chill, man. I'm worried about your blood pressure."



His Little Buddy! His Goober! His Dorko!

-Nobody messes with Ollie's friends, but you for sure don't mess with Linus. Ollie will bite.
-He's like- the biggest nerd Ollie's ever met. And that's like- super impressive, because he also knows Newt.
-Ollie has never understood a word about RPGs that Linus has said, nor does he see the appeal (kinda just seems like a lot of boring charts, super complicated rules, and math), but he sure does listen.
-Feels like he needs to teach Linus to live a little before he ends up like Newt.

"If anybody bugs you, you come tell me."

Related Artifacts



-His third skateboard and first with actual deck art!
-He did the deck art all by himself. (Partly because he couldn't afford to have it done by a professional. He could barely afford the blank deck.) It was two weeks of painters tape, spray paint, and brushes.
-It is his pride and joy. He cannot bring himself to rail grind and risk scratching the paint.


Lucky Hat:

-He got it at a skateboard competition when he was nine. He was not a participant; just an audience member.
-Always wears it backwards. Virtually never takes it off.
-It's his good luck charm.