
3 years, 2 months ago


a very succinct summary: Lana del ray with daddy issues and as a 21 year old, she worked as pole dancer so you know. Then she became a CSI worker with 3 children, and loving husband.

❤ Lon | pansexual | married to Gareth

She's a very impulsive, outgoing and energetic person. She's a extreme extrovert, adores to socialize. Lon isn't the smartest person alive, but she can be very observative, and logical if needed. She loves to make silly decisions, she got a tattoo on her inner lip that says ,,love" because of that.

Gareth and Lon are soulmates, they were meant for each other - their souls are in the same shade of purple. That means that their relationship is the strongest that it can be. They were for each other at toughest times. 

They have three kids, starting from oldest to the youngest: Feather; Ophelia; Nico. (they are catified, no human refs yet!) They mean whole world to her, she wouldn't hesitate to protect them at all cost.