rainbow melody



3 years, 1 month ago


rainbow melody

art by user
basic info
name rainbow melody
nickname(s) mellie, frogger
gender nonbinary, frog-gender
pronouns she/they/frog
orientation pansexual
species earth pony
occupation banjo player?
residence ponyville
status taken by marsh
theme rainbow connection
rainbow melody is ponyville's resident banjo player and rainbow enthusiast. they moved to ponyville from a far-away town she won't name. frog is peppy, sing-song, and one of the friendlist ponies you'll meet. you'll often find mellie playing banjo in the center of town, a newsie cap on the ground to collect tips.
Mauris posuere, sapien porta auctor vestibulum, nisl libero porttitor mauris, ut venenatis sem eros ut mauris. Sed vehicula vulputate nunc, vitae lacinia quam gravida eu. Nullam lobortis turpis sit amet sem mattis, at sollicitudin ipsum accumsan. Maecenas bibendum consequat ipsum, non dictum metus finibus et. Etiam velit nisl, luctus ut fringilla at, faucibus sed lacus. Nullam mollis vestibulum enim, sed tempor tellus laoreet vel. Phasellus pellentesque, massa vestibulum aliquam pellentesque, lacus mauris elementum lacus, non fermentum arcu sem quis augue. Nullam condimentum nunc nibh, maximus finibus velit varius vitae. Proin tristique, ipsum sed pulvinar tristique, nulla quam aliquam erat, eget pretium erat sem quis nulla. Nam ut tellus elit. Curabitur eu condimentum dui.


  • frogs
  • tea
  • rainbows


  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Pellentesque blandit id diam et vestibulum. Sed vulputate eros id mattis maximus. Sed quis tellus in nisi bibendum imperdiet. Pellentesque consequat purus et nisl egestas, et dignissim ipsum euismod. Etiam erat ipsum, consequat at mollis at, ornare ut felis. Aliquam eget dapibus nibh. Nulla facilisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In scelerisque erat quis venenatis eleifend. Sed efficitur ante consectetur neque aliquam, at consequat nibh commodo. Integer ut dolor quis lectus pulvinar lacinia id sed mi.
  • their cutie mark wraps around her left leg, and is absent on her right
  • they can be drawn without the kermit neck thing, but they're not usually seen without it
  • her hair can be drawn either as a mohawk or a short bob
marshmallow twist


heehoo gay ponies in love

pinkie pie

mother figure

while not related by blood, mellie and pinkie are close friends who see each other as family. if not performing, your best bet for finding mellie is having some tea and snacks at sugarcube corner. frog often babysits for the pie family, and the kids love her



Pellentesque blandit id diam et vestibulum. Sed vulputate eros id mattis maximus. Sed quis tellus in nisi bibendum imperdiet. Pellentesque consequat purus et nisl egestas, et dignissim ipsum euismod.

content warning: [item]

Mauris id ipsum id risus cursus venenatis sed at enim. Curabitur luctus imperdiet lacus, ac pellentesque diam consequat a.

art stats


designer PawsOfParadise
created apr 1 2021
acquired jul 4 2021


purchase price $5.00
commissions $0.00
total $5.00


personal +3
commissions +0
art trades +0
gifts +2
total 5


literature +0
animations +0
comics +0
total 0