Lucias Huáng (Comm·Skeb — Huellia)




ルシアス (💎)



♂。174 cm。23 歳。ふわふわのピンクの髪に赤い瞳。男女を問わず魅了する美貌の持ち主です。左目の下にほくろが1つ、唇の右寄りにほくろが1つ。笑うと見える小さな牙もあります。両耳に長いイヤリング。ルシアスは、ゆったりとした、高価でとてもファッショナブルな明るい色の服を好んで着ます。


  • 恨み
  • 怪我
  • 宝石
  • お金
  • 過去の思い出

ロミオ (🌹)



♂。190 cm。25 歳。ウェーブのかかったブロンドの髪に青い目。イヤリングは常に右側につけています。ロミオは貴族を思わせる非常にエレガントな顔立ちをしているが、全体的に魅惑的な外見をしています。暗い色の服より明るい色の服を好み、無様な格好を好まないんです。目はベイビーブルーではなく、アイシーブルーであることに留意してください。


  • 黄金
  • お金
  • 秘密
  • 赤い椿
  • 後悔






🌹と💎は高校生の時に出会いました。🌹は生徒会長で、💎はその後任でした。当初、二人はよそよそしい関係でした。ある日、🌹は💎が放課後よく遅くまで残っていることに気づいました。💎は家族と一緒にいるのが好きではなかったので、 🌹は💎と一緒に過ごすようになりました。

二人は友達になり、徐々に恋に落ちました。🌹は💎を美しいと思い、💎の目を見るのが好きでした。💎 は🌹が仕事で苦労しているのを見るのが好きだったが、いつも🌹のそばにいて支えました。残念なことに、🌹は家庭の事情で学校を中退しなければならなくなり、💎との関係は終わりました。




Playfully coquettish, and always wearing a seductive smile. He is a villain character who is very provocative, but has a sharp tongue. Like a stray cat, he is very mean and likes causing trouble. Despite liking to see other people struggle, he easily loses his temper when things don’t go his way. Even though he acts proud, he actually hates himself and thinks no one can love him.


♂. 174 cm. 23 years old. Fluffy pink hair and red eyes. He has a beautiful appearance that appeals to both genders. One mole under left eye, and one mole near the right side of his lip. Small fangs that show when he smiles. Long earrings on both ears. Lucias likes to wear light coloured clothes that are loose, expensive, and very fashionable.


  • Blood
  • Cats
  • Grudges
  • Injuries
  • Jewelry
  • Money
  • Past memories


A mafia boss with a twisted but outwardly pleasant personality. He appears to be a kind person due to always sporting a gentle smile, but in reality he is obsessed with money. Though he is suave, he is someone who harbours a lot of loneliness deep in his heart. Secretly, Romeo is an information broker with many dangerous business partners.


♂ . 190 cm. 25 years old. Wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. The earring is always worn on his right side. Romeo has very elegant features reminiscent of an aristocrat, while having an enticing appearance overall. He prefers to wear lighter colours rather than all dark clothes and doesn’t like to look unpresentable. Please keep in mind his eyes are an icy blue and not baby blue.


  • Gold
  • Money
  • Secrets
  • Red camellias
  • Regrets


🌹 and 💎 are like an impish dog and an angry cat. They are very risqué, but are also affectionately domestic with each other.

🌹 loves 💎 and gets lonely easily—so 🌹 often seeks 💎’s attention and clings to him. Compared to 💎, 🌹 is more openly affectionate and is not bothered by 💎’s mean personality. Sometimes 🌹 likes to be a nuisance to 💎 because 🌹 thinks his reactions are funny. When 💎 wants something, 🌹 will buy him all the expensive gifts he wants.

💎 is tsundere towards 🌹 and begrudgingly accepts his affections. Secretly, 💎 likes being spoiled by 🌹 and gets jealous when 🌹 is with someone else. When 🌹 is busy, 💎 also clings to him—but if 🌹 comments on it, 💎 will get mad and run away. 💎 loves 🌹, but 💎’s scared that 🌹 will leave him one day and tries to keep an emotional distance.


🌹 and 💎 met when they were high school students. 🌹 was the president of the student council, and 💎 was his successor. In the beginning, the two had a distant relationship. One day, 🌹 noticed that 💎 often stayed late after school. 💎 did not like to be with his family, so 🌹 started to spend time with 💎 because 🌹 also was having problems at home.

The two became friends, and slowly fell in love with each other. 🌹 thought 💎 was beautiful, and liked to see 💎’s eyes. 💎 liked to see 🌹 struggle with his work, but always stayed beside 🌹 for support. Unfortunately, 🌹 had to drop out of school because of his family—ending his relationship with 💎.

🌹 and 💎 meet again as adults, and started a sexual relationship. 💎 was hurt after 🌹 left, and holds resentment towards him. 🌹 became a criminal after he left 💎, but still thinks fondly of their memories.

Eventually, 🌹 started to fall in love with 💎 again—but 💎 was doubtful that 🌹 will treat him well. In the end, 💎 gives 🌹 a chance—and they begin a second relationship.