Gaius Antoine



3 years, 1 month ago


Obsessive Exorcist 


 NAME   Gaius Antoine 

 NICKAME   None 

 AGE   21 

 HEIGHT   5'6'' 


 GENDER   Male 


 OCCUPATION   Exorcist/Priest in training 



 BIRTHDAY   April 2nd 

 Theme  Scaredy Cat

 BOUGHT FOR   1 fullbody drawing + 1 halfbody drawing 

 TOTAL VALUE   2 art pieces 

"Angels guide my hands... give me the blessing to kill the darkness in their hearts."


  • Purity
  • His rosary
  • Reading
  • Good luck charms
  • Music


  • Corruption
  • Commanding people
  • Entitlement
  • Ignorance
  • The occult/paranormal


  • Picks at his fingers when nervous
  • Deeply afraid of demons/anything related to the occult
  • Internalized homophobia because he doesn't know any better
  • Is as excellent pianist, which he plays to calm down
  • Extremely superstitious
  • Rambles to himself and others; hard to understand sometimes


  • Medium length, messy ginger hair
  • Sickly pale complexion
  • White priest-like jacket and pants
  • Blue eyes with heavy eye bags underneath
  • Skinny body type


  • Obsessive
  • Creepy
  • Quiet
  • Neat
  • Awkward


  • Very observant
  • Determined to see his way
  • Hard to break
  • Loyal
  • Good musician



Was born into a demonic worship group. He didn't know any better, but they treated him well during his childhood and the group collectively acted as his caregivers. He was never sure who were his true parents, if they were in the group or outside elsewhere. They kept many secrets from him, as well as kept him from their praying session. They never gave him a name and called him "boy."

Unfortunately, the group was keeping Gaius to sacrifice him to their demonic gods. Once he turned 18, they took him from his room and revealed what this group really was. A group dedicated to the devil. Luckily, however, law enforcement got involved after a former member escaped and told them. They were stopped before they could do any major harm to Gaius, but did intoxicate him with numbing poisons.


After being saved, a church decided to adopt the boy, where he finally got named Gaius Antoine. He's not very socialable, but he's learning bit by bit. He was taught excessively about why the group he was in was bad and that everyone in there couldn't be saved. A heavy thing to say to someone that saw damaged people there and wanted to help. He's always stuck between too extremes, but he sees good in the church inhabitants. They aren't trying to kill him, at least.

He's learning to become an exorcist, with the head priest taking him in as a son of sorts. Perhaps they only see him as a charity case, and not a human, but he doesn't know any better. He only wants to be pure.


Character  Relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

NAME  relationship 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.