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Ahh I’m kinda low on points rn but I Can do 330 ( o 600 if a offer on something gets rejected dx ) and multiples in my Th? I also could do 3 fulls , 2 busts,  1 custom andd 2 tweened busts dx?

edit : oh I forgot! The only characters offlimits are sonas and yurio 

I can offer 1500 points, two shaded fulls, an unshaded pagedoll, two icons, a chibi full, a bust and a doodle page as well as anyone in my ‘tier two’ folder! I can also add customs but idk if you’re looking for characters rn ^^


haha also my username has an underscore at the end instead of in the middle :] I feel bad correcting sobs

Whoopies! I'll fix that in a sec XD

Would it be alright to do a different character for the doodle page? I struggled a lot with aurelias design with all the patterns and similar colours aa

Ofc! You can do random characters in my mains folder!

5 Replies

Guys, please do not lowball Nighty's designs, Speciblooms that Nighty's make around 10-25 USD. <3 ( It depends on the design I think, haha. <3 )


You can't stop me from offering in your designs. >:D <3

But I will offer 10 shaded headshots. <3 I showed you my examples earlier. uwu <3 Each headshot worths 380pts so that's 3800 pts or 47.5$ (80pts = 1$) <3

Eee, I will add 4 shaded fullbodies like this: :O

Can i do 2 usd for 2? :0

Hey! Anyone in my TH for #2?

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Aa if any of the offers fall through could you lmk? 👉👈


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I would prefer only a week, but you'd have 2 months max!!

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nighty- for 1 I'll offer 2 icons, 2 chibis, 2 fullbodies, 1 headshot, and 1 pagedoll. If any characters from here interest you you can have them:

I offer my soul and my heart which is worth about 3 full and 2 busts

That top one was a joke 5 fulls 4 bust, 3 customs, 2 scenes. 1 digital painting attempt

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1 i have no DA so ill offer 5 full bodys 4 half bodys, 4 deigns on-base, 3 designs off-base, and 6 custom themed colo pallets.

Wait,, I can afford this now,, 650 pts for #1

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yo yo! Did you ever tell me who 2 draw? :0

whoops i think i did ill check

i cant find it, what was your full offer again? :o I wanna tell you who to draw again bcause I cant find it sdfghhfdfg

edit: found the comment with the art amounts:




uh, 2 fulls, 1 bust, and a chibi qwq

yo, how's it going? ^^'

heya ! I thought i said i needed to cancel as much as i love this bb :[

hmm mayby i didnt bc im forgetful  sob

Hey, could you maybe stop offering on my characters if you plan to just forget about it and drop? It kinda really frustrates me how I accept your offers then I wait a month or two, then you drop ^^" You've dropped almost every single character I've excepted and its really annoying to be honest ^^" Sorry if I'm be harsh.

i'm sorry </3 I truely am , if i can i could drop a few peices of art and manage to get it done-

Sorry, I don't think i'd be willing to drop some art pieces for them, too tent ^^' I'll just put them back ufo

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tysm :O

yooo0 i see 2 is pending to me and tommii >:)) UHH did u ever tell me who to draw? fsgdhucj

i didnt tell you who to draw yet hehe

Hey hey so I need to drop my payments- I’m overworked and I feel that it would be better if I focused more on my commissions :’0 so sorry!! <3

aaa okay!! ^^' In that case, BirchForrests_ can you do your original offer instead of the co-own one?

raa Could i get rid of 1 bust or all of them aaA


Hey so I’m gonna drop payments, so once you finish yours the char will be just yours to keep :D <33

Thanks! <3 but,, if you still wanna co-own lmk o-o

It’s alr!! I feel like I would need to earn my spot using art, and I just can’t do that rn <33 enjoy them though :0

Aaa almost anyone from here, 2 busts, and 2 animated icons for Dino Tail bby?

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ooooh :O

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8 Replies

Aaaa, I recently got into the species, and #3 is so gorgeous. I would like to offer two simple cell-shaded fullbodies(example), two shaded headshots(example), and two chibis(example).

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of points, so I can only offer art, sorry about that ;u;

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aaa i'm not sure yet :(

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Ooh what are you looking for?

mostly art and points! :O

Don’t rlly have many points but I have some sbc, and I can do art offers!

okay!! i really love your art hehe :D

awww Tysm!! :D  maybe two customs a full body and a headshot?

oooh, considering!! out of curiousity, would you be willing to trade the customs out for fullbodies, and add a chibi full? :O

I’m gonna have to cancel my offer :’( I cannot afford it since I just bought a custom :0 I’m really sorry!

oh, ok!

I’m really sorry :(

its ok :D i really appreciate you commissioning and buying so much of my work :D

Np! Anytime! (if I’m not broke lol) your a really good artist/designer/animator, and your a nice person to! You deserve way more Comms :o

thanks!! :O

aaaah all of these are super pretty,, for any of them (pref. 3) i can offer 500p, 2 shaded full scenes, and 3 off-base customs <33 can add onto this offer if required!!


okay, ill go ask them :D


May I offer 1.3k pts and 100 sbc Instead? I’m sorry

whoops wait i didnt read the other comments give me a sec to figur ethis out whoops

whoops wait for which one? sorry ive gotten so much messages, i keep loosing track :'0

maybe 3 but i can do 1 They are all beans :0000

yeah i really like #3 so ill do 1.3k points,, 100 sbc, and maybe a custom?

Edit: I do like #1 so if you dont accept for #3  maybe 800-1k pts and 100 sbc 

Edit Edit: I also like #2 So id offer 1k pts and 100 sbc for them ^u^

Edit: But I will only take 1 In this batch, so you can choose which one you want if you accept these offers!! >w< <3 and lol if i could take all of them i would but i cant afford that lol. So if you accept all of them, i'm only going to limit myself to 1. And if you accept just 1 offer for a specibloom in this batch i'll take it!! I love all them lol

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Aha I offered on scratch but please ignore that!! For two I’ll offer two fulls, one shaded, two icons, a shaded bust, a ref and an onbase custom as well as 100 pts- I can always add more! This guy is absolutely beautiful <333

*also a chibi as well! :’0

oooh considering!! :O Tysm!! <3

Yw! Your designs are stunning and I love speciblooms grr

tysm!! :O


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For 3 I offer taking off the specibloom custom from payments, one full and 70 points I can add!

For 3 I'll offer 3 fullbodies, 3 customs, 5 busts, 2 chibi fullbodies, an icon, and 200 sbc

for 2-- 2 HQ shaded and lighted fulls, 2 lighted and shaded busts, Anyone in my TH (i made a new leekleet, but, he hasent been accepted yet qwq) And 1 lighted chibi! <33 All new art examples are --> ! <33 (cough) and 100 points bc thats all i have rn :soB: if this gets accepted i'll probs cancel my offer for the other bab lol

highly considering hehehe :D

le gaSp theyaresocuteandineedtheminmylifeomfgwaaaa

tysm aaaaaaaaaaaaa :O

tysm aaaaaaaaaaaaa :O

hey, out of curiosity, would you be willing to do a co-won offer? :O I'm having a hard time deciding and i'm trying to see what options I have hehe :3

idk what that is WAAAA

When two people join an offer together and both get the character but sharing it hehe

7 Replies


OK I don’t mine if it’s 2 or 3, 3 HQ fullbodies, 2 custom, 1 full scene, 3 busts and 2 chibis! :0  

I’ll add another fullbody, chibi, and full scene with full shading :D

haha sorry I’m spamming you-

Ill also add a chibi sheet with 4-6 characters on it, 1 icon, and A page doll :D

ooooh, ok :O highly considering!! 



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2 Replies
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This user is not visible to guests. hehe interested me :3

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okay!! considering :3

For #2 I can offer 1000 sbc, 3 fullbody's, 2 scenes(can have several characters in them), 3 busts, 3 headshots, 1-2 customs (Examples of recent design work are these: and 6906562.western The most recent images~ :) 

For #3 300 DA points, Any1 from adoption centere, 2 falls, 3 bust, 2 simple animation (blink, tail wag, etc)

I LOVE  three so I think I have 200 sbc?? I can offer that and some art too cause that’s all I have lol 

I can offer 2 Fullbodies flat, either together or separate, 

 one full scene fullbodies, with the maximum of 3 characters (shaded obviously) 

1 Icon pixel , either halfbody or full body, flat ( Or I can also do like, linked with the maximum of 4 characters HAVJAAJ)

1 Pagedoll (pixel) shaded 

And 2 Chibis!! Together or separate:))

oooooooh highly considering!! :D



Yay:D buy yes the chilies can be pixels! also would you like the full bodies and chips separated ? 

(lol your autocorrect made "chibi's" into the words "chilies" and "chips") thanks!! separated would be great!! :O

Lol oops I mean,  chilies and chip do be sounding good right about now,, but I’ll get started shortly, thank you so much!!:D

XD Np, ty :D

14 Replies

For #1 - 1000 da pts and 600 sbc

ooooooh highly considering :O

just making sure, your offer is for #1 correct? :o If so, accepted :D

Wow ok! Again, I’m getting 2k pts on the 4th and or 6th so I’ll pay for this and the specibloom AUTION then if you can hold #1 for me :)

ok, ill hold both :D

Tysm :)

np!! :D

Oh dang it!! I thought #3 was #1! If you accept for 3 I’d rather that but #1 is fine lol

Oh, sorry about that :'o Aaa, i'm planning to accept someone elses offer on #3 sorry :(

9 Replies
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I PROMISE I'M WORKING ON YOUR PAYMENTS, I'VE BEEN WORKING REALLY HARD FOR SCHOOL TOO THO- time to sell the rest of my sanity for a jelly blob :') ~ 

for this bean: anybody from here or here (as many as you mant, might even consider trading my leekeet Nico, for 1/4th of the payments (for both leekeets combined) nocked off!) 

5 full scenes with up to 2 chars each, 5 fullbodies, 7 halfbodies, 4 animated chibi pagedolls (100x100, 250x250, or 300x300. Can do more if needed but-), 3 customs with full ref sheets and a fullbody each (ref contains: fullbody, headshot, acessories, extra details, acessories, name, gender, pronouns, and a few sketches), 1 custom slot for the snazzy thing coming up (designed by me or you), 3 headshots, 3 chibi fullbodies, 1 short looping animation (like a head bob or whatever, similar to your recent animation memes) and 2 custom backgrounds for your devices! (simple or solid background, custom border if wanted, text if wanted, up to 2 characters pictured with either headshots, fullbodies, or halfbodies.) Also that animation I offered on the last shall now be fully colored. All customs off-base, every art peice but the animated ones shaded (some simpler than others, depending on the style)

OH YEAH also 100 SBC? Since that's about a dollar?

or 1000 sbc I want this babyyyy- 

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yes!!!!!- so it would be a shared bb? S N A Z Z  (if so, can it be the child of the other one I'm offering for? they match :) )

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11 Replies

oooooh highly considering :O

YO! Blob and I are gonna combine our offers and share the child! (if we get it) So 2 payments for the price of 1 specibloom :) 

whuchu think  N O W >:D

now adding a small doodle sketch page for all of the customs! And here's the snazzy thing: >:DDD


uhh anyone in my Th except characters with a history planned tag and any amount of art / customs 🧍‍♀️

Aaa imma edit the offer because I changed the folders ><!

(im so sorry if this is a Little bit long-)

so u can look all my th but the only folders that are nft are This one and This one too 

also I listed all my feral ocs because I’m not sure if u only like doggos/cats ajsjajs

U can see them here


for the art offer I can do 

1-2 complex coloring fb 

2 full bodies

1 hq tweened pixel icon

2-4 busts

2 tweened icons 

(dam that’s a lot of twos BAHAHAHS iM sorry I’m so bad choosing by myself)

oh and I forgot to link art examples earlier so here they are ig 

*feral (Sorry i don’t have many examples, I’m not used to draw a lot of feral ocs)

-these three first examples are a lil bit old-


Also a fullbody-


-and these are the most recent ^^-

Full body

Kind of complex coloring  

Complex coloring fullbody

*human-oid / furries

Tweened icon

(High quality , I guess, I cant rate my art I’m insecure abt it 🧍‍♀️) Pixel tweened icon

Fullbody (human-oid)

Fullbody (anthro)

Complex coloring

And more complex art style- (I’m not really used to do these a lot)

considering :O

Oki :o! Ty


I’d offer but I’m still paying off the last one lol


FOR , 5 HEADSHOTS, 5halfbods and 2 fullbodss?

also maybe a bitcoin addition but

ooh considering

canm i add rt offer

sure hehe

4 more fullbods and 2 halfbods all shaded

ooooooooh highly considering hehe

3 Replies

how much bitcoin you willing to add hehe

uhh i need 2 check


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highly considering


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For #3 I offer 3 full bodies, 2 headshots, 3 chibi icons, 2 customs, 10 DA points, and a chibi headshot 

:00 Hey may I offer for the first bab with the deer horns and dino tail?

ofc!! :D

I dont have much points as I just spent a lot of them lmao but I can offer this,, sorry if its a waste of your time ^^;; 15 da points, and a couple of customs ( 3 - 5 I don't mind lol ) - [ custom examples : and ] ... don't know what to put here but er- stay safe :D

this isn't a waste of my time!! I really appreciate your offer!! highly considering!! :3

aaaah ty, I'm a bit self-conscious about my art and designs so I appreciate that :D

np!! :D <333

5 Replies

Can I offer three headshots, three chibis, 1-2 fbs, and all of the available characters from for #2!! I am in love so so in love sobbing

oooh, highly considering!! out of curiousity, would you be willing to trade the base adopts in the offer for some art instead? :O I'm trying to stop hoarding characters haha-

Sure! I need to stop doing that too lmaooo- What kind of art would you consider? Nothing off limits haha

ty!! I'd consider any art, maybe fullbodys? :O

:0 I can do that! I’ll up that offer to three fbs <3

33 Replies

Hey do you think I could add to my offer 👀 I can add another headshot and two icons 😳

sure thing!! ooooh highly considering hehehe

i think ima decide on which offer later today if i have time hehe

Alrighty :0 tysm!! 

1 Replies

Woo hoo! What’s a good starting bid in sbc?

hmm, not sure :O Maybe around 400 since that would be equal to $2? :O

Cool! I’ll do that! Sb!

kk :D

Ooh could I place that bid on the first one? I absolutely adore it sm!

5 Replies

I'll offer 3 fullbodies, 2 on base customs, 2 icons, 2 chibis and 20 DA points!


I would like to be pinged!! 


im actually turning this into a batch, ask here if you'd like to be pinged

Ping please!






and, ping >:D


congratulations, you've found a shell: make sure to verify your finding in the respective forum thread!


I’d love to be pinged!


ahh ping please!


tysm! <33


I would like to be pinged! :)


Me 🤪 I really want to bid/offer on the second one- pi ng m e

sure thing, hehe :D

How much would this bby be in sbc?

not sure yet!! :O

Ok! Lmk if you figure out anything! I don’t have much but this bby is so sweet omg ❤️❤️❤️

Okay!! Tysm ❤️❤️❤️ If you'd like, you can start an SBC auction for them!! :O

Um what would be a good starting price?

not sure :"D also, ive decided to make this a batch yay :D

2 Replies

AAAAA bean 🥺

aaaaaa ty 🥺