Darius Ulrich



3 years, 2 months ago


name Darius Ulrich
age 18
pronouns He/Him
orientation Straight
talent Trickster
birth date 8/18
threat level None


    Darius is a man of average intellect. He’s not the smartest nor the dumbest. He is a cold individual to most who talk to him, but if they persist long enough the shell begins to crack. Darius is a bit sadistic, but is still just a young boy at heart. He really is just insecure about himself and wants to be loved by someone.


    Darius was born to Zeke Kaiser, a wealthy politician and Yvonne Thomas, one of Zeke’s mistresses. This meant that Darius was an illegitimate child, since his father was already married at the time of his conception. Darius was shunned by his father’s wife and after he was born his real mother seemed to disappear. Zeke only took care of Darius because Darius was his blood related son, though he would rarely be home. When Darius would see his father however, his father paid little to no attention to Darius as he was always too busy. This would cause Darius to lash out to try to draw the attention of his father. Darius, at the age of 5, learned of tricks and proper illusions. His Aunt Rosette(Officially his Father’s Sister) taught him about them one day as she reminisced about her childhood. She was like a mother to him, one that he had never had. He would copy her, thinking of this as a way to finally gain his father’s attention and recognition. Darius wouldn’t really mind if he received negative attention, because he thought any attention would be better than none. Darius would then begin to pull small tricks on his father, mother, and the servants taking care of him. This would lead to Darius being branded as a failure by his father. This would hurt Darius in a way that he had never been hurt before, and he decided that if he was a failure, he might as well act like one. The second born son, Adrian would soon be named the new heir, which made Darius begin to resent his younger brother. Darius had one shining light though, his aunt Rosette, who saw through his facade of acting like a bad child. She would treat him as if he was her own son. This was because his mother, who wasn’t really his mother, never really acted like a real mother, so he would yearn it from his Aunt instead. Darius learned to only care for the attention his Aunt gave him, and no one else’s. He would become very cold towards the rest of his family members, giving them all the more reason to shun him.

   When Darius reached the ripe age of 13, he and his younger brother Adrian were playing on the roof of their home. Adrian started an argument which led to Darius “accidentally” pushing him off the roof, which he was severely injured by and left him unable to serve as the real heir. This infuriated Darius’s father. He sent Darius to a juvenile detention center to try to rid of Darius once and for all. Darius would be a regular target for bullying while in juvenile detention, and only found comfort in talking to the guards. Darius would often find himself getting into fights with the other inmates, which would land him in solitary confinement. He used this time to think about all the things his father had done to him. He would sneak things into his cell, so that he could build contraptions and come up with plans for new pranks. Darius would often be visited by a therapist, hired by the detention center in hopes to isolate and eliminate the problems the young children had. Nothing the therapist ever did seemed to help Darius though. As they could never find anything truly wrong with him though, he served his full sentence with no psychological or mental problems. After two years in the detention center, he was released shortly after his 15th birthday. He began to have a newfound resentment for his father, which caused him to never talk to his father as he used to. He would often sneak out of the estate into the city with the help of the servants. Darius would go around the city, pulling tricks on the townspeople that more likely than not, would put them in the hospital. He was given a mask by his Aunt so that he could protect his identity and not get into trouble. He became well known through the community as a menace, and not too long afterward, applied to a private school with dorms far away so that he could escape his father’s admonishment. Darius gave himself the last name Ulrich, meaning noble power basically. He couldn’t stand to keep the last name of a man who would treat him as poorly as his own father had. Darius is never afraid to hurt others or himself for the sake of a good trick.


height 6'1"
weight 157 lbs
build Lanky
hair color Orange
eye color Amber
skin color Paler White
style Clownish
color scheme Orange and Gray

Darius also sports a mask which is white with a spade design on the left eye, effectively blocking off his left eye vision unless he takes off the mask. He wears white slacks with white loafers as well. Darius is also quite the looker, don’t ya know?