


3 years, 2 months ago


To be telling all of that to a complete stranger.. how naive. Either that or you're purely lying

Oloren /ɒ-lɒ-ɾɛn

 Drow (Elf) 

M (any pronouns)


March 16 (127)

Being born a drow elf, Oloren has always known how stereotyped every race was raised to be, which apon actual realization brought him to travelling Hadastria, with the sole purpose of gaining more knowledge of the unknown, never making assumptions and turning out to be what he feared most; ignorant.

He thinks of himself as sufficient, never perfect, he's aware of his flaws and his strong suits (for instance, he's weak regarding physical strength, thus relying so much on his magic or agility). His main faults, however, aren't perceived as such by himself, as he struggles to deal with people and emotional attachment (due to living secluded for so long) and perceives it as an advantage, as it helps him maintain his goals a priority.




  • freedom
  • plants / flowers
  • theorizing
  • travelling
  • assumptions
  • sunlight
  • naive people
  • overly attached


  • oloren's a level 2 druid whose magic focuses more on plants than animals (solely by choice, as he can use animal centered magic just as well)
    oloren heavily values his spells and won't head into mission without at least 
  • OLORen's alignment is chaotic neutral, but has the tendency to shift into chaotic good/evil depending on the story flow
  • oloren is extremely focused on his goals, this generally being gathering information about a certain topic; his actions revolve around specifically on if they'll affect him and his goal or not, meaning he can do good as long as it doesn't disrupt him (even moreso if it serves his side)
  • although very detached, oloren will act less cold toward someone he respects, giving them proper attention, and even act tenderly towards someone who he feels a genuine connection with (this is, however, extremely rare)
Before the Campain

Oloren was born in a small comunity of drows in a mountainous region of Hadastria, Balarta, which was commonly known for it's high grounds and cavernous terrains. As drows were, they had their beliefs and culture to uphold, and Oloren was no exception; he was raised to be religious, taught to be hateful towards others for their inferiority to his own, his mindset shaped sickly around what he now considers the thing he hates most.

Eventually, Oloren saw through this baseless thought process, as he so much enjoyed learning from very young and books were all that connected him to the unknown then. He studied, and studied so more, not wanting to believe at first that he'd been forced upon pointless, baseless hate towards those he hadn't even get to meet.

His sudden change in attitude got him banished from what he called home, getting him to hit the road and travel around Hadastria, always watching and listening from afar, which led to him getting interesting information every once in a while.

Related to the Campain

As he travelled, something caught his interest; 'the unknown world' as they called it, the world beyond Hadastria, which he knew was considered impossibly well guarded. On one end, great fighters, on another, travellers of the sea with great expertise, getting past them had gotten Oloren thinking, plan after plan, every single one either too risky or just nearly impossible on his own.

Luckily, the outside world wasn't all he had his eyes on; Alastria, the concealed state, concealed due to a tragedy considered well known. He felt the need to know more, know beyond what the Order gave the population, he wanted to enter Alastria.

And so he did.

Superior Night Vision (passive)

Oloren has the hability to see clearly in the dark in a 36 meter radius.

Fairy Ancestor (passive)

Has immunity to being put to sleep and advantage resisting other spells.

Ignite Flames (active)

Can produce a flame, which can either be thrown (in a 9 meter radius) or used along a physical attack. The flame doesn't damage Oloren himself.

Druidcraft (active)

Through contacting nature, Oloren can get small reactions out of his surroundings such as blooming a flower or a small noise caused by a nearby animal or by getting the wind to softly blow into the environment. It can also be used to predict the weather during the next 24 hours.

Poison Spray (active)

Through his palm, Oloren can spray a poisonous gas at his will (within a 3 meter radius).

Wild Form (active)

As a druid, Oloren has the hability to transform into any animal he's seen before (limited by class level). He, however, doesn't use this as much unless explicitly necessary as of being part of the Circle of the Land.

Cure Wounds (active)

This allows Oloren to cure wounds of any living being through his touch. Oloren has this hability constantly ready, always being the only level 1 magic he refuses to replace without exception.

 (Oloren has access to other spells not listed here)

Amathe was the first to catch Oloren's eye, as she seemed brave and to somewhat hold the team together. Oloren has a sort of distant admiration towards her decisive personality.

Khephállie gave off the impression of a dependant, emotionally attached character, and that feeling alone had Oloren on his guard all the time. The fact that he seemed to stick behind the group along with Oloren didn't help in the slightest.
Khephállie has, however, proven his worth when in battle, his strength being mesmerizing in a way.

Anakis didn't get Oloren's attention in the slightest, she almost died and got saved by him mere minutes after meeting, which gave him the impression she could be an hassle (but he hasn't interacted enough to form an actual opinion, nor is interested to). 

Noor is an interesting character in the eyes of Oloren. Not because she interests him or because she's an elf as himself, but because of how 'convenient' her appearance came out to be.
 cold  independent   observant curious 