


3 years, 25 days ago


d5ee25b9de45f273d6d5b51b1733ce569a7dc76eGarlean Agent - Blackrose Alchemist - Conniving Treasure Hunter

Your villainess extraordinaire


Contracted by the Garlean Empire as a talented alchemist during the creation of the Black Rose, Rozelle is one of many who aided in the creation of this devious weapon. With her prowess for concocting the most potent of poisons, and cunning personality, she continued her work for the Empire as an undercover agent, even after the projects production was ceased by Zenos Yae Galvus.

Rozelle is now employed to garner information, assets, and complete other various odd jobs the Garlean state orders underneath her alter identity, blackheart.

She sells handcrafted potions on the side from her small shop in the Lavender Beds, and maybe a vial, or two of some of Eorzea's most potent poisons behind closed doors.

This shady side business is what she's most known for, specializing in brewing the most magnificent malignants, and her knack at acquiring the most obscure ingredients.

Apart from her apothecary, Rozelle's allure for the finer things in life has lead her into the recreational trade of treasure hunting. Once she sets her sights on a relic, this cunning lass will stop at nothing until its in her claws.

When she isn't busy with Garlean business, or off looking for rarities, Rozelle can be found tending to her potion shop, or lounging in the Gold Saucer, looking for promiscuous entertainment.

If you aren't careful, she may just become your worst enemy, or if you're lucky, your best ally~♥
