Bean (jolleraptor)'s Comments

Would anyone hereΒ interest you for them?

what are u looking for?

swaps or trades

i didnt see anyone πŸ’”

anyone from my th?

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I I do elise!

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sure thing!

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1 Replies

hi! I lost connection to this bby! you're free to offer again!!

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Hello! I'd love to offer for their being/design. πŸ˜πŸ’•

I can only offer trades in this current moment, but perhaps you'll find someone! Only characters I permit you to not offer on are 🚫/πŸ—žοΈ(NFT/pending).

I hope the days serves you well, and thank you for taking some of your time to read my offer.πŸ’•

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Anyone in my Toyhouse that doesn't have the FIGHTME tag interest you by chance?

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Transfer sent!

heyy anyone in my th interest u ^^?

You have some really cool designs, but I didn't see anyone that I would use very much. Sorry!

Heya! What are you looking for, for this cutie? ^^

Looking for swaps or trades(doesn't have to be a CS)!

Alright, does anything in My th interest you? ^^

Outside of Forever Homed ones, I'm interested in this bab:

Oh Fae has been sold! And hmm which of the forever homed were you interested in?Β 

Ohh, my apologies, I was just clicking links on the bulletin and wasn't paying attention to the current ownership! I was mostly interested in these two:

2 Replies

heyo! i hope your having a pawsom day! i absolutley love this speices and have wanted one for the longest time! i have a bunch of HQ characters here: i really hope you find somoen here since this little guy is so cuteeee!

Unfortunately no one caught my eye, sorry!