
3 years, 2 months ago


Reesa hayden

Basic Info
NameReesa Hayden

AliasLady Lava

BirthdayApril 14

Age"It's a secret." 



Hair ColorRed, Orange, Black

Eye ColorYellow

Blood TypeA

QuirkLava Generation

OccupationPro Hero

AffiliationPhiladelphia Hero Agency


Fighting StyleRanged

  • Ice Cream
  • Lemonade
  • Skating
  • Sunsets
  • Art Exhibits
  • Villainy
  • When she burns items with her hair
  • Struggling kids
  • When her ice cream starts to melt
  • Oversleeping








  • Reesa has lava hair and can generate it. 
  • She used to set things on fire by accident. 
  • She loves being outside anytime she can. 
  • She likes ice cream. 
  • Has a habit of purchasing art from small artists. 
  • She is leader and founder of the 'Destructive Quirk Group'






Quirk: lava generation

Reesa is able to generate and manipulate the lava made from her body. Mostly her hair, which she can use to freely manipulate as well as generate it from her hands. It takes a lot out of her, and she has the tendency to overheat. She also has a tolerance against heat and fire quirks but some still do affect her. 

  • Lava Shield- Reesa uses her hair to take the brunt of the damage.
  • Lava Shot- She can freely generate lava from her hands.
Super Moves
  • Volcano- She can make an eruption from her whole body, letting lava fly everywhere. It's a dangerous ultimate move, and must be used with caution.
  • Cooling System -Reesa keeps a cooling system around her arms and on her back to help her with overheating.

Reesa is a beautiful middle aged woman. She has tanned brown skin, almond yellow eyes, and long lava hair. She can grow her hair at will, and can detach it as well. Though she usually opts to wear it somewhat long. She's regarded to be quite beautiful, and it is said amongst lots of reporters and fans. She has a fan club dedicated to her success and her best looks.

Her hero costume is a marooned colored body suit, with orange details, along with knee-high black boots and orange colored details.

Reesa is noted to be a very happy, and kind individual. She likes to crack jokes, and make everyone feel safe. She  takes great inspiration from All Might, aspiring to be a refreshing person just like he is. She cares deeply for others, and wants to help anyone in any way that she can. Because of quirks becoming more difficult to control, she feels a responsibility to help those who need it. She can be quite confident, and loves to be outside and looking at nature. Because of this, Reesa wants to travel when she isn't so busy with her hero work. In her free time, she likes to support small artists by purchasing from stalls. She enjoys looking at art.


Reesa was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a strong heart and an equally strong sense of justice. After an incident with her father, she decides that she wants to protect all civilians from harm and decides to go to school and become a hero. After graduating and during her debut era, she soon meets Toshinori Yagi, which she equates to love at first sight. Almost instantly inspired by him, they start a friendship and work together occasionally. Reesa quickly falls in love with the rising star, All Might, and they have a brief yet loving relationship. However, when the time came for All Might to move back to Japan, they decided to cut ties because of All Might's sense of duty and Reesa not willing to relocate at that particular time in her life.

After All Might returns to Japan, Reesa never moves on from him. She considers All Might to be the love of her life. She then immerses herself in hero work, dedicating her life to helping people. She quickly becomes a popular hero in America. However, after coming across a girl with a destructive fire quirk panicking about her quirk going out of control, Reesa decides to create an organization that specializes in supporting those with difficult quirks. Whether it be for design items for accessibility or helping to hone skills for safety reasons. With years of success, Reesa moves to Japan to expand her business. Although knowing about being in the same country as All Might, she doesn't reach out, even when she discovers he's teaching at UA. 

Reesa decides to begin mentoring various students across the country. Among her mentees are Akio Kaen, a UA support student, Ruka White, a Shiketsu Hero Student, and Ayaka Mori, a student with an interest in business. She has a very successful organization, and considers the safety rate with accidental quirk usage to be at a good point. However, the feeling of seeing the little girl crying and alone because of her dangerous quirk still drives her to prevent seeing something like that again.

Shortly after All Might starts teaching, the two are on friendly terms, as they've communicated by phone more than a couple of times. Reesa feels a little flustered, knowing that she still feels very strongly for him and can't help but wonder if he feels the same. Despite her attempts to try to get closer to him, he remains distant and respectfully at arms length. It isn't until after his final fight with the villain All for One, that she understands the pressure and the weight that he's been carrying. They start over, and the two talk about what it was the happened from why he went to America, and when he went back to Japan. Reesa feels guilt that she hadn't been there for him when he needed her, despite him saying he was intentional with his decision because he wanted her to be safe. When Reesa says it's her decision to want to be with him, he's a bit hesitant. One, because he's training Midoriya and he knows that if need be, he'd give his life for him and Two, the threat of All for One, and Three, Night Eye and his prediction. 

They carry on with their friendship, teetering on the edge of flirting sometimes. Reesa meets Midoriya, and Reesa trains her students even harder because of the new nomu sightings. Reesa bonds with Midoriya, happy to see All Might's protege and excited to see who he'll become. Midoriya mentions that maybe fate can be wrong, and that you can change it. Reesa thinks about what that means, and how she doesn't want to give up on All Might.

All Might is the former lover to Reesa. Meeting for the first time in America, they worked together for a short period of time before falling in love. It didn't workout, and they went their separate ways but still held onto the love that they have for each other. Reesa reconnects with All Might and they remain very good friends, eventually deciding to be together again and getting married.

Ruka WhiteMentee

Ruka is the second mentee that Reesa has. She covers the hero side of their organization, and provides training and work study opportunities. They have a good relationship, and she provides a maternal figure to Ruka like she does for all the people that she mentors.