Moss Agate



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


8,000+ (September 24th)


Masc Agender (he/they)


Former Security Guard/Escort, Former Kindergarten Guard







Significant Other

Selenite, Tourmaline


Panromantic Asexual


Considered their former squad to be like family, now that they really think about it.


Agates are a semi-common gem used for a variety of things. It's not uncommon to see them doing tasks from escorting gems to and fro from place to place as bodyguards, to  commandeering places like Kindergartens, to even being doorpersons at higher gem functions. (Though, word has spread that there's now a certain agate commandeering the late Pink Diamond's Human Zoo! How exciting!)

Moss Agate was no different. They did as they were told without thinking much about it, and they were content with it.

That is, until they were assigned to a small Kindergarten on the developing colony that was Earth.

Moss was very excited to be stationed on Earth of all places. They had only seen glimpses of it during escort missions there, but they had never actually stepped foot on it. They, of course, saved face and stayed cool and collected like the rest of the agates in their squadron. They were the leader, after all!

After settling into a familiar routine at the Kindergarten, though, tragedy struck.

The rebellion began, and Moss' Kindergarten was soon attacked. They were seperated from their squadron during the scuffle, and...

They hate to admit it to the point of forcing down the memory deep into their core, but they were a coward.

Moss Agate fled.

They were assumed to have had their gem destabilized and taken by The Crystal Gems, but the truth was that they ran and ran for who knows how long.

So they wandered the Earth, officially M.I.A.

And they still wander to this day.

Moss Agate has grown somewhat paranoid. They don't know their actual status on Homeworld and what their squad thinks happened to them, so they assume that Homeworld is still looking for them. They will arm themself with their trusty pebble gun of questionable lethality before asking questions.

However, they have an instinctual need to protect gems lacking combat skills. It was programmed into them and the other Agates to make guarding seem like a second nature to their combat. As a consequence, when faced with a more fragile gem, Moss melts like butter. They become protective (almost overly so), and subservient to the fragile gem, and will do as they ask.

They secretly like to be pampered themself, but they would never dare tell anyone.

[divider by Sukiie]