Tsubaki's Comments

Is there anyone(s) that interest you? https://toyhou.se/PocketSized/characters/folder:all/tags:1/extagged:DNO (I could add art, but your art is better than mine, so I'm not sure you'd want that. XD)

Hello! Your ocs are adorable, but I'm gonna have to pass on this offer, sorry >

No worries! Thanks for looking! :D

If you accept offers for him, wich kind would them be?

Hi! I'm looking for art, mainly, but other offers are welcome

Oh, then if you are interested in my style I can offer some pieces^^ (tho idk how many i should offer since he do have additional art)

But if the ocs are humanoid I can do everything from chibies to half/full bodies^^

Recent artstyle examples:




As an alternative I can find out some ocs/slot of mine to trade them🤔😅

What kind of slots do you have?

Atm an UC Unbleeders slot and a Rare Kurina slot 

5 Replies