Lucus Polaris



3 years, 1 month ago


North Star of the Sacred Grove

• has a pair of bright red bioluminescent giant flying fox wings under her posturing feathers
• fur is extremely fine and soft all over her body. said fur is almost completely impenetrable by most substances in the unknowable universe.
• mane is long and flows into silver like her feathers and then a mystical red like her flesh at the tips. always flowing(think luna and celestia’s manes in MLP:FIM)
• Hind legs are raptor in nature. The skin is not scaley but shes got talons and killing claws on both hind feet. Forelegs are fairly basic for a predatory mammal.
• Eyes are like black opals, pupils vary(most often goat or toad pupils).
• Has a horn in the center of her skull like a unicorn but it is sometimes not visible.
• Has a VERY short lil bat type tail but you cant really see it under her plumage.
• The white wings around her neck are a collar fashioned of white gold and fabric. They are not real but her secondary bird wings and primary bat wings are Very real.