Vanilla Bean Bun



Name: Vanilla? (Nilla)

Gender: Female.

Species: Bean Bun, food inspired bunnies. She smells like vanilla, specifically like anything created with fresh vanilla beans or pure vanilla extract. This is because when you sniff her fur, you can pick up hints of fresh vanilla beans, pure vanilla extract, sugar cookies, butter cookies, shortbread cookies, scones and even vanilla ice cream?!

Personality: Sweet, cuddly, outgoing, empathetic, caring and helpful. Despite the fact, that she can tend to be quite shy around new people; she fully enjoys baking all manner of baked goodies/treats (sweet, savory or even spicy) and then selling those baked treats to others. In fact: she tends to have a smile upon her face for everyone that she meets.

She tends to do her best to help out in her own little ways; by baking up a batch of cookies (or two) for her friends, doing crafts which often lead her to making a little gift for someone who could use a little joy in their day and offering a warm hug, cuddles or even some inspiring words to help cheer someone up! 

She adores baking all manner of treats; sweet, savory or even spicy treats! She tends to bake almost everyday, which often leads to her having too many for her to eat by herself. However she has a little bakery of which she can sell her treats.  

She adores drinking tea (mainly tea blends that include some form of vanilla in them) with heavy cream and sugar. She eats plenty of vanilla flavored sweets quite often, so often that it is most likely the reason why she almost always smells like vanilla.

She highly dislikes bullies, rude people and those who disrespect nature, the elderly or don't treat everyone with kindness. Despite her small stature, she will gladly stand up for what she believes is right and tries her best to come to the aid of anyone of whom she believes needs help.