


3 years, 5 months ago


Bellvalier is a plant techno-organic transformer! the word transformer is used kinda loosely though as they do not transform! the most transforming they do is changing their helmet to their hat and moving their mask up.
Name: Bellvalier
Height: 31ft
Mental Age (In Earth Terms): late twenties early thirties
Allegiance: Maximals, Predacons (they are one)
Function: Warrior/infiltrator, the left arm of Megaflora
Alternate Mode: they don't have one / TECHNICALLY THEY ARE AN ARM
Personality: they are very kind and are generally very pleasant to be around, but treat them with any hostility/negativity and they will give back as such. they don't talk too much and will speak if spoken to, and they'll listen to you talk about whatever for hours if you want.
Weapons: dual swords and they can generate energy shields
Fighting style: it's a mix of actual fighting and dancing they are very graceful with their swords
- they have jets on their back and in their feet
- can release a poisonous liquid (in the form of a gas or just liquid) to hurt or confuse others
- has little bluebell flowers that when given to another person is to be worn behind the ear to be used as a communicator
- singing can be used to calm others, but it can also be used as a siren to be hypnotic and lure targets to Bellvalier's location
- can summon 2-6 vines to attack or reach things
- they can hear a small ringing sound that gets louder the closer they are to something/someone in danger
- they have the ability to manipulate sound and use it as a weapon, or they can use their abilities passively to have some fun! along with this, they can also mimic voices which is all sorts of fun. they also have the ability to manipulate music but this is more of a minor side ability.
- they can heal wounds by simply placing the wounded area between their palms
Sexuality/Gender: Trans Nonbinary / Asexual Biromantic
Bellva originally didn't remember much of their original life on Cybertron when they emerged from the tangle of Kudzu's vines, and they were a little frightened of anything they perceived as a threat, even little Rattrap seemed scary to them at first! but as they settled in with the rest of their gang and with the Maximals, they calmed down and found not everything was going to hurt them.
Eventually, during an attack from Jetstorm and his drones, Bellva found they had weapons and jets, and they took up the role of the warrior in their group.
but they still wanted to know where they came from and started looking for clues as to who they were, some things would help them remember, singing and dancing were pretty good at making them remember scraps, but nothing that could give them their whole old identity to them.
Bellva eventually did their memories back and remembered, they were Melodious, Predacon performer, warrior and infiltrator, they also remembered their family, carrier and sire, and little sibling, Starstream. Starstream... oh how bad they felt, they remembered when the attack started they fought and tried to protect them, but they were overwhelmed and forced underground with the others of their combiner team, Starstream hadn't made it.
the last memory they have is scanning plants to take a new form, Kudzu trying to protect them all from the virus, and then it knocks them all out anyway.
Random Facts/Quirks:
- if too stressed out they can turn into a small bush and will stay that way until they calm down