



Mud/Rainwing • They/Them

Amaranth is a hybrid who spends much of their time between the Rainwing and Mudwing kingdoms, selling fruits and wines found in both areas. They do their best to avoid conflict.

  • Amaranth doesn't know who either of their parents are, nor do they have any known siblings. For this reason, they consider what few close friends they have to be family.
  • Of the Mudwing Kingdom and Rainwing Kingdom, they prefer the Rainwing Kingdom's habitat but the Mudwing Kingdom's culture. Both tribes have a strong emphasis on family, however, which often makes them feel uneasy and out of place.
  • Their absolute favourite past time is taking long naps in the mud, all while spreading open their wings and soaking in the sun from above.

  • No portion of Amaranth's scales allows for significant colour shifting. The pink stripe along either side of their body does have a slight iridescence in certain lighting.
  • They are heavyset, even for a Mudwing's typical stature.
  • Amaranth does have a simplified version of their design that is created with animation in mind. Either can be used, but it's preferred to use their more detailed designs for full illustrations.