Valeska Callosum's Comments

Oh my gosh! Her design is beautiful!

AAAHHH! Thank you! Hilariously, she was kind of a last-minute effort to whip up a character for Art Fight several years ago, but I've since roleplayed her across different forums and she's grown a whole personality now and is near and dear to me. I appreciate the compliment! :D

You are so welcome, it’s true! The best designs come up out of the blue. I am working up on building my baby girls, personality, and life. Her name is Fiona.

if you ever wanted to role-play, I have a toy house, world specifically for wolves, or I’m cool with one on one. 😊 👍🏻

I have so many characters that need a life. 🤣

I looked through your gallery, and I really enjoy your designs and characters - didn't see Fiona though, she must be new!

I've actually been part of a large wolf roleplay site right now that our community has been working on getting off the ground; we go live this Saturday. I'm not sure how you feel about forum roleplay, but we're all very and have quite the welcoming and thriving player base if you would ever be interested in creating some stories with us!

Otherwise, I've never tried roleplay on TH before - seems interesting. :D

Aw, that’s so Sweet of you! Oh, she’s not new, she’s almost a year old in June. (Her created anniversary). I’ll link her. :D

That’s awesome. I would love to join, and I actually used to only do thread based RPs. That’s what Wolves of the cascades is. But I only have TH and Instagram. :/ What platform is it on? DA?

I'd love to see her! I'll switch to DMs so as not to clog the page, haha. :D