


3 years, 2 months ago



Basic Information

BuildWirySpeciesMaelstrom Dragon Driftling
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Arcana was stolen from her family as a young child by a human trafficking ring. When it was discovered that she was a dragon (5 year olds shifting abilities are heckin wonky) a huge coverup took place as dragons were thought to be myths. Arcana was treated as high quality goods and rarely shown on auction, eventually being sold to an illegal fight ring who pitted her in to the death battles against other supernatural creatures for the purposes of gambling. The fact that she was a dragon was kept a strict secret, only the owner of the ring was aware, the rest were told Arcana was the product of lab manufacturing in order to create a mindless monster to fight for them. 


Arcana is a blunt and hardy girl who scavenges for a living and makes a home squatting i33340512_UVPoKDPCao56aH3.png?1620804596n an abandoned prison. She is a tall girl with a wiry boyish body and is often mistaken for a boy since she tends to wear baggy combat clothes that hide her small breasts. She picked out the largest cell and turned it into a house of sorts, decorating it with her array of belongings. The rest of the prison she left overgrown and dilapidated so as to not give away where she lives. Though its not official (because why care about labels) Arcana displays autistic traits in that she lacks any level of social grace and blatantly shows her disinterest in being around other people, though whether this is biological or due to her upbringing no one knows. Also who cares she rocks the sassy solitude look.

Maelstrom dragons are chaotic in nature, they are easily provoked and more aggressive than other species of dragon, however they are very level headed and excellent tacticians. While they are skilled fighters with their dragon forms their real power lies in more covert magics, they are experts in voodoo and curses. 


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Arcana has bicoloured red and blue eyes and dark red hair that is shaved on one side. Four nubby glass horns grow up from on top of her head. She has a scaled like pattern of freckles on her cheeks and all down her legs. The bandages she wears cover up scars she got from the illegal battle arena. The scrolling tattoo on her left arm symbolises her unbreakable spirit and she got it after getting free of captivity. 

Rating:- 5+ Star
Ears:- Dragon - Rare
Liquid:- Magic Elixir - Rare
Buoy:- Shaped - Ultra-Rare
Other:- Glass Wings (Bat) - Ultra-Rare
Other:- Dragon Trait - Rare



Character Name


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Arcana's Inventory


Name of Item

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

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Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.

Code by ZodyZaible

Code by AviCode